Additionally, because the Camera API launches a separate Activity to handle taking the photo, you should listen for appRestoredResult in the App plugin to handle any camera data that was sent in the case your app was terminated by the operating system while the Activity was running.

The heads up display, or HUD, has the most important camera controls such as lens selection, frame rate, shutter angle, timecode, ISO, white balance, tint, histogram and audio levels. You can adjust settings such as exposure by touching the ISO indicator, or you can change the audio levels simply by touching the audio meters. It's that easy! Everything is interactive, so if you tap any item you can instantaneously change its settings without having to search through complex menus! You can clear the heads up display to reveal the full screen image by swiping up or down with your finger.

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In the previous chapter we discussed the view matrix and how we can use the view matrix to move around the scene (we moved backwards a little). OpenGL by itself is not familiar with the concept of a camera, but we can try to simulate one by moving all objects in the scene in the reverse direction, giving the illusion that we are moving.

In this chapter we'll discuss how we can set up a camera in OpenGL. We will discuss a fly style camera that allows you to freely move around in a 3D scene. We'll also discuss keyboard and mouse input and finish with a custom camera class.

When we're talking about camera/view space we're talking about all the vertex coordinates as seen from the camera's perspective as the origin of the scene: the view matrix transforms all the world coordinates into view coordinates that are relative to the camera's position and direction. To define a camera we need its position in world space, the direction it's looking at, a vector pointing to the right and a vector pointing upwards from the camera. A careful reader may notice that we're actually going to create a coordinate system with 3 perpendicular unit axes with the camera's position as the origin.

Getting the camera position is easy. The camera position is a vector in world space that points to the camera's position. We set the camera at the same position we've set the camera in the previous chapter:

The next vector required is the camera's direction e.g. at what direction it is pointing at. For now we let the camera point to the origin of our scene: (0,0,0). Remember that if we subtract two vectors from each other we get a vector that's the difference of these two vectors? Subtracting the camera position vector from the scene's origin vector thus results in the direction vector we want. For the view matrix's coordinate system we want its z-axis to be positive and because by convention (in OpenGL) the camera points towards the negative z-axis we want to negate the direction vector. If we switch the subtraction order around we now get a vector pointing towards the camera's positive z-axis:

The next vector that we need is a right vector that represents the positive x-axis of the camera space. To get the right vector we use a little trick by first specifying an up vector that points upwards (in world space). Then we do a cross product on the up vector and the direction vector from step 2. Since the result of a cross product is a vector perpendicular to both vectors, we will get a vector that points in the positive x-axis's direction (if we would switch the cross product order we'd get a vector that points in the negative x-axis):

Now that we have both the x-axis vector and the z-axis vector, retrieving the vector that points to the camera's positive y-axis is relatively easy: we take the cross product of the right and direction vector:

With the help of the cross product and a few tricks we were able to create all the vectors that form the view/camera space. For the more mathematically inclined readers, this process is known as the Gram-Schmidt process in linear algebra. Using these camera vectors we can now create a LookAt matrix that proves very useful for creating a camera.

Luckily for us, GLM already does all this work for us. We only have to specify a camera position, a target position and a vector that represents the up vector in world space (the up vector we used for calculating the right vector). GLM then creates the LookAt matrix that we can use as our view matrix:

Before delving into user input, let's get a little funky first by rotating the camera around our scene. We keep the target of the scene at (0,0,0). We use a little bit of trigonometry to create an x and z coordinate each frame that represents a point on a circle and we'll use these for our camera position. By re-calculating the x and y coordinate over time we're traversing all the points in a circle and thus the camera rotates around the scene. We enlarge this circle by a pre-defined radius and create a new view matrix each frame using GLFW's glfwGetTime function:

With this little snippet of code the camera now circles around the scene over time. Feel free to experiment with the radius and position/direction parameters to get the feel of how this LookAt matrix works. Also, check the source code if you're stuck.

Swinging the camera around a scene is fun, but it's more fun to do all the movement ourselves! First we need to set up a camera system, so it is useful to define some camera variables at the top of our program:

First we set the camera position to the previously defined cameraPos. The direction is the current position + the direction vector we just defined. This ensures that however we move, the camera keeps looking at the target direction. Let's play a bit with these variables by updating the cameraPos vector when we press some keys.

Whenever we press one of the WASD keys, the camera's position is updated accordingly. If we want to move forward or backwards we add or subtract the direction vector from the position vector scaled by some speed value. If we want to move sideways we do a cross product to create a right vector and we move along the right vector accordingly. This creates the familiar strafe effect when using the camera.

By now, you should already be able to move the camera somewhat, albeit at a speed that's system-specific so you may need to adjust cameraSpeed.Movement speed Currently we used a constant value for movement speed when walking around. In theory this seems fine, but in practice people's machines have different processing powers and the result of that is that some people are able to render much more frames than others each second. Whenever a user renders more frames than another user he also calls processInput more often. The result is that some people move really fast and some really slow depending on their setup. When shipping your application you want to make sure it runs the same on all kinds of hardware.

Graphics applications and games usually keep track of a deltatime variable that stores the time it took to render the last frame. We then multiply all velocities with this deltaTime value. The result is that when we have a large deltaTime in a frame, meaning that the last frame took longer than average, the velocity for that frame will also be a bit higher to balance it all out. When using this approach it does not matter if you have a very fast or slow pc, the velocity of the camera will be balanced out accordingly so each user will have the same experience.

Since we're using deltaTime the camera will now move at a constant speed of 2.5 units per second. Together with the previous section we should now have a much smoother and more consistent camera system for moving around the scene:

And now we have a camera that walks and looks equally fast on any system. Again, check the source code if you're stuck. We'll see the deltaTime value frequently return with anything movement related.

To look around the scene we have to change the cameraFront vector based on the input of the mouse. However, changing the direction vector based on mouse rotations is a little complicated and requires some trigonometry. If you do not understand the trigonometry, don't worry, you can just skip to the code sections and paste them in your code; you can always come back later if you want to know more.

The pitch is the angle that depicts how much we're looking up or down as seen in the first image. The second image shows the yaw value which represents the magnitude we're looking to the left or to the right. The roll represents how much we roll as mostly used in space-flight cameras. Each of the Euler angles are represented by a single value and with the combination of all 3 of them we can calculate any rotation vector in 3D.

For our camera system we only care about the yaw and pitch values so we won't discuss the roll value here. Given a pitch and a yaw value we can convert them into a 3D vector that represents a new direction vector. The process of converting yaw and pitch values to a direction vector requires a bit of trigonometry. and we start with a basic case:

We've set up the scene world so everything's positioned in the direction of the negative z-axis. However, if we look at the x and z yaw triangle we see that a \(\theta\) of 0 results in the camera's direction vector to point towards the positive x-axis. To make sure the camera points towards the negative z-axis by default we can give the yaw a default value of a 90 degree clockwise rotation. Positive degrees rotate counter-clockwise so we set the default yaw value to:

The yaw and pitch values are obtained from mouse (or controller/joystick) movement where horizontal mouse-movement affects the yaw and vertical mouse-movement affects the pitch. The idea is to store the last frame's mouse positions and calculate in the current frame how much the mouse values changed. The higher the horizontal or vertical difference, the more we update the pitch or yaw value and thus the more the camera should move.

When handling mouse input for a fly style camera there are several steps we have to take before we're able to fully calculate the camera's direction vector:  Calculate the mouse's offset since the last frame. Add the offset values to the camera's yaw and pitch values. Add some constraints to the minimum/maximum pitch values. Calculate the direction vector.  ff782bc1db

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