The Hero's Guide-DLC Newsletter


Check out this interactive Digital Learning Newsletter that we curate to share with the staff of Kevin's school, Stockton Junior High. There are a ton of resources, templates, and ideas from around the web.

On this page you'll find my favorite online tools for instruction and creating.

This page is dedicated to Professional Development sessions we've led.

Our Professional Learning Networks

The term Professional Learning Network (PLNs) describes groups that share their resources in an effort to support ongoing learning. They have become increasingly valuable over the last decade as changes to education have become almost constant. PLNs provide a platform for educators to stay connected across the state and country. They allow for the sharing of ideas that impact learning, as well as raise awareness on legal and social issues that affect our classrooms. These are the Professional Learning Networks that I belong to, and have found integral to my professional growth. For more information on how I'm involved with these PLNs, see my September 18, 2018 post on my Blog page.

Association of Texas Public Educators

ATPE provides professional development resources as well as legal advice and advocacy for teachers across the state.

Comic Book Teachers Facebook Group

Teachers in this groups use their passion for comics to teach history, psychology, literacy, and current events.

Texas Computer Educators Association

TCEA is a member based organization dedicated to advancing technology in the classroom. They have dedicated network of collaborators and provide training opportunities throughout the year.

Teacher 2 Teacher

This is a online community dedicated to connecting teachers across the country for sharing resources and solving problems.