I'll be here in the morning

Re-imagining the future of care

About the Exhibition

I'll be here in the morning is a week-long digital exhibition (1-8 November 2021) designed to give a voice to the unheard and put faces to the unseen, those people who quietly give so much of their own lives to care for others. This year, we want to explore what changes could be made to make life better for those people and those they care for.

Even if you’ve never created art before, we want to invite you to be part of our exhibition to share your ideas about the future of care, however you want to tell them. It could be a drawing, painting, sculpture, a poem, a diary entry, a video or even a recipe that brings you comfort.

One result of the upheaval and turmoil of the Coronavirus pandemic has been a focus of attention on the lives of unpaid carers and those who use or require support. The Sustainable Care Programme at the University of Sheffield produces world-leading research into social care, seeking solutions to the enormous challenges we face in caring for our most vulnerable. We think we have an opportunity, and a responsibility, to keep carers and those who require support at the centre of public consciousness as we begin to rebuild after the pandemic.

The UK Government has recently announced its plans to increase funding for social care, but do those plans go far enough? Do they address the challenges faced by carers and those who receive care? Do you feel the Government fully understands those challenges?

The experiences and voices of those people too often get drowned out as others seek solutions to the challenges of their daily lives. And that's why we want to hear from you.

paintings - poems - stories - diaries - recipes - songs - drawings - musings - photos - sculptures - short films

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