Health-Related Fake News  Mitigation
An NGI-Search funded Project


Mission of the project

In the era of the next generation of the internet, where information flows freely and instantaneously, the challenge of combating fake news and misinformation has become even more critical. The COVID-19 pandemic has vividly demonstrated the detrimental effects of widespread dissemination of inaccurate health-related information, eroding public trust in official guidelines and posing significant obstacles to public health efforts.

HeReFaNMi (Health-Related Fake News Monitoring) stands at the forefront of tackling this pressing issue, fueled by the determination to combat the propagation of fake news within health-related information and restore trustworthiness to the internet community. This pioneering project is driven by recognizing the severe consequences of misinformation, including the promotion of ineffective remedies, the downplaying of risks, and the erosion of public confidence in scientific research.


Fake News

Combat the propagation of fake news within health-related information.


Safeguard individuals against misinformation while promoting the dissemination of accurate health information.

Latest Tech 

Leverage cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to provide individuals with an automated and reliable solution.

AI & Society

Harness the power of technology to enhance overall societal well-being and improve public health outcomes.



HeReFaNMi (Health-Related Fake News Monitoring) is funded by the NGI Search european project.  

The NGI Search project is a European project designed to support entrepreneurs, tech-geeks, developers, and socially engaged people,  who are capable of challenging the way we search and discover information and resources on the internet.