Frequently asked questions

Question 1:  Why was HeReFaNMi created?

HeReFaNMi was created in response to the critical challenge of misinformation, particularly highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The widespread dissemination of inaccurate health information has eroded public trust in official guidelines and posed significant obstacles to public health efforts. HeReFaNMi aims to address these issues by providing reliable and accurate health information.

Question 2:  How does HeReFaNMi work?

HeReFaNMi uses cutting-edge AI &  LLM algorithms to monitor, detect, and combat fake news in health-related information. The system is designed to automatically identify and flag inaccurate information provided by users, helping individuals access reliable health information quickly and efficiently.

Question 3: How does HeReFaNMi benefit the public?

HeReFaNMi enhances societal well-being by ensuring that accurate health information is readily available and easily accessible. By combating misinformation, the project helps maintain public trust in scientific research and official health guidelines, ultimately improving public health outcomes.

Question 4: How can organizations partner with HeReFaNMi?

Organizations interested in partnering with HeReFaNMi can contact the project team through the official email. Partnerships can involve data sharing, collaborative research, and joint initiatives to combat health-related misinformation.
HeReFaNMi  is a product oriented research project, the team appriciates any contribution you can add to the project.