High Energy Physics and Astrophysics Club
About us
"Scientists from all over the world are working on unifying forces that governs the universe to interpret cosmological measurements. The alternative theories of gravity shows that we need to introduce another description to gravitation. "
Yes, we know, it is hard to understand such sentence !
This is why we are here !
High Energy Physics and Astrophysics Laboratory scientists unify both research on elementary particles and their interactions, also astronomy, astrophysics, planetology, exoplanets, and black holes.
The High Energy Physics and Astrophysics Club was created with the purpose of organizing a "Journal meeting" Every Friday to allow LPHEA students to develop their skills and talents in their own fields, and now, we are working on expanding our works so it will include the public in Morocco and abroad.
The HEPAC is a club created within the Semlalia Faculty of Sciences, by students and researchers from the High Energy Physics and Astrophysics Laboratory. The members aims to conceive, implement and launch scientific activities related to the simplification of scientific theories in general, particle physics and astrophysics in a particular view. HEPAC has evolved very quickly since its beginning in 2016, and has proven itself by combining major events nationally and internationally. These events had a great importance for the curious audience. During these events, the Club was able to simplify and make this science accessible and easy to understand for everyone including the enigmas of the cosmos going from the smallest scale such as the elementary particles and their interactions, to the largest scale.
HEPAC includes activities that essentially bring scientific conferences and workshops together, led by specialists. All these activities are held with several collaborators and partners, with whom we are sharing this adventure, among them, our first partner the Oukaimeden Observatory, as well as LPHEA, Astronomy Association of Marrakech (3AM), and other Clubs throughout Morocco.