
PhD Health Economics, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK - 2018 - 2023

University of Nottingham, UK - 2013 – 2014

University of York, UK - 2010 – 2013

Professional experience:

University College Lonon (UCL), UK  - July 2022 - Present

Research Fellow (post-doc):

ITAD, UK - March 2022 - Present

Macquarie University Sydney, Australia (remote) - May 2022 - September 2022

Consultant part-time

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - September 2018 - September 2022


Economic Development Initiatives (EDI) Ltd, UK / Tanzania - August 2016 – September 2018

Research Officer (formerly Assistant Research Officer):

King’s College London, UK - March 2015 – August 2016

Research Assistant – King’s Health Economics

Funding Awards:

Early Career Catalyst Award in Population Health - £3600 - To develop fellowship applications in Uganda surrounding financial inclusion and women's economic empowerment.

Other Training and Responsibilities: 

2019-2021 – RD PHP Work-in-Progress organiser and student representative: As a research degree student (RD) Work-in-Progress seminar series organiser and student representative for our faculty (PHP), I was responsible for:

·        Arranging seminars for RD students to share work in a safe space where no questions are stupid questions,

·        Finding speakers and preparing them for their presentations,

·        Fostering collaboration and mentoring for students new to LSHTM.

November 2015 - Advanced Decision Modelling for Health Economics” at the University of Glasgow: Completed

October 2017 - National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research: Protecting Human Research Participants course: Completed

Journal Referee: Journal of Development Studies, Health Policy and Planning.

Proficiencies and languages:

Software skills – Stata (proficient), R (intermediate), Python (beginner), ODK (proficient), Office package (proficient), LaTeX (intermediate), SQL (intermediate), Git (basic), QGIS (intermediate). 

Languages – English (native), French (Basic A2).

Countries of direct work experience: 

Tanzania, Senegal, Cameroon, Uganda, UK, Philippines, Malaysia.