Language Proficiency

Hendrik is Bilingual

Hendrik masters both English and Bahasa Indonesia very well.

It is not a joke, and he had it tested! English language comprehension is effortless for him, and he can easily skim through a large body of English text without much trouble. His English proficiency does not sacrifice his Bahasa Indonesia though, for he never mix English and Bahasa Indonesia. If you need more proof on his English proficiency, do note that his native tongue is Bahasa Indonesia, and that this page is written entirely in English.

When required, he can also translate a text from one language to the other. Though it is worth noting that word to word translation is highly inefficient, and in the process of translating, he often paraphrase the text in a manner that makes more sense in the target language, while trying to convey and conserve main ideas of the source text.

If the entire page is not enough for you to be sure on Hendrik's proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Inggris, you can find his thesis that is written in Bahasa Indonesia, and a sample of a novel draft Hendrik is currently working on, written in English here.