10 Best Double Edge Razor Blades

Tried and Tested Double Edge Saftey Razor Blade Review

It all started with a late night drunk order off amazon in an effort to save money. Yes, I am aware of the irony, but hear me out. Double Edge Safety Razors are one of the most affordable ways for men and women to stay shaved. Costing fractions of a penny per shave, after the initial set up cost you will be saving money and the planet when you ditch the disposables. In this list, I will share with you the pro’s and con’s of various double edge razor brands available for sale so you can make up your mind which brand may be right for you.

What is a Double Edge Saftey Razor Blade?

A single blade with two cutting ends used in the wet shaving process. Each blade is individually wrapped in paper and can be used for multiple shaves.


After reading numerous reviews mentioning a reduction in quality I was hesitant to try Astra, but I had them so might as well give them a shot. The first shave wasn’t anything remarkable, maybe a little more resistance than I'd like, but no cuts. Which is always a good sign for me. I thought I was in the clear until I tried the second Astra blade in my pack. Maybe it was a dud that snuck through, but the blade was just ripping my facial hair, at the end, I had so many cuts that I looked like Edward Scissorhands. Will this happen to you? Probably not, but from my experience, there are better blades out there. 9 others in-fact. Keep reading.


Let's get this out of the way, it is pronounced like voss-hod(t). When I tried these the experience it gave me was just OK. Voskhod themselves say that their blades are “Extremely Sharp and Long lasting.” Which in my opinion is not the most important aspect of a good razor, as extremely sharp leads to many nicks. It was nothing that stood out to me and that is why it lands into the number nine spot on this list.


I had high expectations for Bic, as I have had only good experiences with their other products. They were sharp, but not as sharp as the others on this list. That resulted in a bit of tugging in hard to reach areas. By no means are they a bad blade, as they gave a good cut overall. But if you want the sharpest, these are not the blades for you. If you aren’t shaving thick areas then these Bic blades are very usable.

Price:$13.63 ($0.14 / Count) & FREE Shipping

Customer reviews 4.4 out of 5 stars


These blades seem quite forgiving around delicate areas. The Derby Extra would be good for areas with light hair growth, as stubbly or thick hair would cause a lot of tugging on the skin. The blade felt dull when I was shaving my face. I didn’t knick myself with these, but the shave didn't feel as close and smooth as I am used to. Would be great for the ladies.

Price: $8.49 ($0.08 / Count) & FREE Shipping

Customer reviews 4.5 out of 5 stars


I was surprised to find out that these are made in Mother Russia. Does that mean they are of less quality? Of course not, Gillette is probably the most recognizable name in the shaving industry. Meaning they are trying to appeal to the masses with their blades, and that shows with the Platinum Blue. These blades are forgiving to avoid nicks and cuts. If you want a sharper blade and a closer shave look elsewhere, the Gillette Platinum Blue will not bite you if you're not paying attention and they will be better for people who suffer from the occasional razor burn.

Price: $12.89 ($0.12 / Count) & FREE Shipping

Customer reviews 4.6 out of 5 stars


Wilkinson double edge razors are Made-in-Germany, which is a byword for precision engineering and quality. I tested these blades when my beard was fairly heavy, and these cut through like a saber through a bottle of champaign. Yes, they were sharp and cut through like butter, but when I went in for the close shave, they were still too sharp and my sensitive skin suffered. Much like a real saber, you don't want these held close to your throat.

Price: $20.00 ($0.12 / Count) & FREE Shipping

Customer reviews 4.7 out of 5 stars


Feather blades have a cult-like following, that if I write something negative, will come back to haunt me. Made in Japan, Feather adds a Platinum coating to retain its sharpness. Now Feather themselves say this durability will allow each typical blade between 8 and 12 shaves. I call BS. My shave first, second, and the third shave lived up to the hype, but after my fourth shave on the same blade, I started to struggle to cut the stubble under my cheekbones. Fearing the inevitable cut, I disposed of the blade halfway through it’s supposed lifespan. At twice the typical price of a normal blade, you pay for the longevity of the blade. If you can reach that magical 8 shaves per razor.

Price:$32.99 ($0.33 / Count) & FREE Shipping

Customer reviews 4.8 out of 5 stars


These Shark blades are smooth and sharp. Do they have the highest average customer rating? Well, no. Then why are they ranked so well on my list? Because the price is unbelievable for what you are getting. These shark blades gave a nice clean shave. With my very coarse facial hair I can get around 5-6 good shaves from one blade. At around $.06 per blade, each shave is going to cost you a penny! I was very impressed with the value these blades offer, and are on my short list for a stocking stuffer.

Price:$6.25 ($0.06 / Count) & FREE Shipping

Customer reviews 4.6 out of 5 stars


Each Razor brand is like a fine wine, and everybody likes what they like. So why not give them all a try and find what you like best? This is how I started my adventure, with this variety pack. Once I found the perfect blade for me, I bought a huge set to last me a lifetime! You do pay twice as much per blade, but this research will ensure you find the double edge blade you love.


Six years ago I used my first Treet Platinum double edge razor blade in a sample pack. Like Cinderella's slipper, these fit my needs perfectly. No tug on my whiskers, No razor burn ever. If I cut myself it is more user error than the blade's fault. The Treet Platinum is my favorite blade bar none, so I buy them in bulk. In this 200 blade case can easily last you many years to come. I know these blades might not work for everyone, but these have always been my go-to razor blade.

Price:$14.36 ($0.07 / Count) FREE One-Day & FREE Returns

Customer reviews 4.8 out of 5 stars

What to do with my old razor blades?

Do not throw them out! These can cause havoc if not properly disposed of. A cheap option is to use an old pill bottle or shampoo bottle. Mark RAZOR BLADES on the side and seals it up nicely before disposing of.

Other options include this purpose-made case available online for cheap.