Schedule of the Workshop

Schedule of the workshop (Philadelphia time)

1.45 p.m. - 1.50 p.m.

Introduction and opening remarks

The organisers

1.50 p.m. - 2.20 p.m.

Talk Title

Dario Farina

2.20 p.m. - 2.50 p.m.

Human-in-the-loop devices – from prototype to product

Freygarður Þorsteinsson


Getting to a functional prototype of a device is a first step in a long journey towards a market ready product. In this talk the steps needed to complete the journey will be discussed from the technical and regulatory perspective. Some tips on how to approach this work will be provided based on personal experience.

2.50 p.m. - 3.20 p.m.

Advances towards the development of a "myokinetic" human-machine-interface for the control of limb prostheses

Christian Cipriani

3.20 p.m. - 3.50 p.m.

Adaptive multimodal interfaces to control assistive robotic devices

Nicolas Garcia Aracil

3.50 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Coffee Break

4.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Performance-Based Adaptive Robot Mediated Therapy: Three Flavors

Hermano Igo Krebs


Robot-aided neuro-rehabilitation is a potential solution to help resolve the increasing demand for post-stroke therapy.

In this talk, I will review the three variations of our approach to promote active patient participation during robotic therapy:

1. Performance-Based Progressive Robot-Assisted Therapy – see Krebs, H.I., Palazzolo, J.J., Dipietro, L., Ferraro, M., Krol, J., Rannekleiv, K., Volpe, B.T., Hogan, N., “Rehabilitation Robotics: Performance-based Progressive Robot-Assisted Therapy,” Autonomous Robots, 15:7-20, 2003

2. Challenge in Accuracy or Challenge in Velocity – see Michmizos K, Rossi S, Castelli E, Cappa P, Krebs HI. "Robot-Aided Neurorehabilitation: A Pediatric Robot for Ankle Rehabilitation." IEEE- TNSRE 23:6: 1056-1067, 2015.

3. Assistive-Resistive Robot-Assisted Therapy – see Pérez-Ibarra, J.C., Siqueira, A.A.G., Silva-Couto, M.A., de Russo, T.L., Krebs, H.I. “Adaptive Impedance Control Applied to Robot-Aided Neuro-Rehabilitation of the Ankle.” IEEE RAL Robotics and Automation Letters 4:2:185-192, 2019.

4.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Designing Human-Robot interactions for persons with motor and cognitive impairment

Michelle Jillian Johnson

5.00 p.m. - 5.40 p.m.

Contributed Talks

5.00 p.m. - 5.10 p.m. Sang-Yoep Lee, Jin-Oh Hahn, Kyu-Jin Cho, "Human-in-the-loop paradigm for breathing, coughing, and speaking"

5.10 p.m. - 5.20 p.m. Menghan Jiang, Shuzhen Luo, Hao Su, "A Deep Neural Network Reinforcement Learning-based Versatile Controller of a Lightweight Exoskeleton for Mobility Assistance During Activities of Daily Living"

5.20 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. Sainan Zhang, Tairan Liu, Jen Sen Huang, Hao Su, "Collocated Impedance Control of Proprioceptive Quasi-Direct Drive Actuators: High Fidelity Torque Estimation without A Torque Sensor"

5.30 p.m. - 5.40 p.m. Zhijie Qiao, Xiatao Sun, Helen Loeb, Rahul Mangharam, "Drive Right: A Simulator Approach for Safe Autonomous Vehicle Demonstration and Education"

5.40 p.m. - 5.50 p.m. Enrica Stefanelli, Francesca Cordella, Cosimo Gentile, Loredana Zollo, "A human-inspired control strategy for prosthetic hands"

5.50 p.m. - 5.55 p.m.

Closing remarks and wrap-up


5.55 p.m.

End of the Workshop