We have received reports from other users regarding a similar issue.

It is being looked into on our end, but one workaround to unblock you would be to write a script that retries the curl command if it fails.

Helm is the first application package manager running atop Kubernetes(k8s). It allows describing the application structure through convenient helm-charts and managing it with simple commands. More information about Helm can be found in the official documentation. Nexus Repository functions with both Helm2 and Helm3.

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With the command

> helm repo list

one can list all repos in helm. I think this would be useful to add here. I am also new to k8s and helm and these sort of commands are helpful to learn and to double check.

The configuration setting is for accessing Rancher (making sure correct CA and cert is configured), and Rancher can be accessed. The curl in the shell is an outgoing connection, if that returns invalid, there is something in between tampering with the connection. Using curl -vk will show you the certificate information presented which should lead you to a root cause.

Ok, that makes sense. The certificate is configured in Rancher, so Rancher will have no problem reaching the catalog. The procedure you are showing is from GitLab, and they have this described in the docs regarding the use of a proxy: -helm-behind-a-proxy

Looking further into the issue I find that the disk has filled on one of the nodes. I log into that node and delete a few extraneous things so that there is plenty of free space (+50G). I then kubectl delete pod the pods that are in CrashLoopBackoff. They are then rescheduled and everything appears to be fine in my cluster. Except logging into any of the masters and curling anything gives me this ominous master_not_discovered_exception same as above.

And so does curling port 9200 at elasticsearch-master, and doing so repeatedly I can see that all nodes are chiming in from the "name": field.

e.g. here is elasticsearch-master-3 responding to elasticsearch-master-1:

This is successful from all 5 masters. And I can access all old data in kibana, though this might be cached. Yet, I do not seem to be able to insert new data. No saves of new objects in kibana, and manually curling new data into the cluster does not work.

At this point, you can run any Helm commands (such as helm install chart-name) to install, modify, delete, or query Helm charts in your cluster. If you're new to Helm and don't have a specific chart to install, you can:

Start the helm manager. Four objects will be created. Note that the service is defined as a NodePort. This enables access from outside the cluster and is also a precondition for the test script to work. Change 'type' to 'ClusterIP' in the 'helmmanagerservice' service definition in the file helm-manager.yaml.

Once Tiller is installed, running helm version should show you boththe client and server version. (If it shows only the client version,helm cannot yet connect to the server. Use kubectl to see if anytiller pods are running.)

You must tell helm to connect to this new local Tiller host instead ofconnecting to the one in-cluster. There are two ways to do this. Thefirst is to specify the --host option on the command line. The secondis to set the $HELM_HOST environment variable.

Because Tiller stores its data in Kubernetes ConfigMaps, you can safelydelete and re-install Tiller without worrying about losing any data. Therecommended way of deleting Tiller is with kubectl delete deploymenttiller-deploy --namespace kube-system, or more concisely helm reset.

The helm package command expects a path to an unpacked chart. Replace in the example with the directory that holds your chart files. Note that this directory must have the same name as the chart name, as per Helm requirements.

See Helm package docs and Helm charts overview for more information.

ubuntu@:~/KubernetesCluster/elasticsearch7/neo4j$ helm install --name neo4j-community stable/neo4j -f ./test.yaml

Error: failed to parse ./test.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 76: did not find expected key

the PVCs that are used by the helm chart follow predictable naming patterns. So while you can't configure what you're asking for directly, what you can do is pre-prepare the PVC that you want mounted under the right name. If the PVC already exists, neo4j will not re-create it, it'll just use whatever is there. And so by naming the PVC strategically, you can stage whatever data & volume you wish, and plug it into the helm chart.

You can install Helm charts through the UI, or in the declarative GitOps way.

Helm is only used to inflate charts with helm template. The lifecycle of the application is handled by Argo CD instead of Helm.Here is an example:

Helm templating has the ability to generate random data during chart rendering via therandAlphaNum function. Many helm charts from the charts repositorymake use of this feature. For example, the following is the secret for theredis helm chart:

The Argo CD application controller periodically compares Git state against the live state, runningthe helm template command to generate the helm manifests. Because the random value isregenerated every time the comparison is made, any application which makes use of the randAlphaNumfunction will always be in an OutOfSync state. This can be mitigated by explicitly setting avalue in the values.yaml or using argocd app set command to overide the value such that the valueis stable between each comparison. For example:

There are many other nice tools, which are NOT installed in the image (curl, for example). And this is the whole point - to have only one app and have the container as slim as possible. You could try to run another (debug) pod and query from it. I use this image, it has tons of useful tools: Network-MultiTool


We have a 1Password business account as well as Google Workspace set up for the company.

We operate a cluster in k8s on AWS EKS. The SCIM bridge is deployed using your Helm chart (v2.10.3) but with some variables overridden with our own custom values. 

The credentials and settings file for Google are located in a k8s secret.

The scimsession file as well as the bearer token are also located in a k8s secret. 

The Redis pod is running successfully and inside its logs it says everything is perfect.

The bridge pod is also running successfully and the logs show absolutely everything in green, too. 

We created our own subdomain where we host the bridge. We have appropriate and working DNS configuration for it. 

When we visit the bridge URL the webpage show everything good and green - Status (all green checks), Logs, Google Workspace (with text in green Connected), Workspace Groups with our groups and member numbers. 

Regarding the Workspace Groups on the bridge webpage, I performed a sync and it was successful. That is why we seen all our Google Groups and their members count. 

On the Integrations page I see our Google Workspace with "Status: Good" in green. 

In the terminal, if I curl our bridge domain to "/ping", I get back "pong".

I have a short and sweet question around getting helm (the Kubernetes package manager) plugins to work. Plugins are built into the utility but trying to install them leads to permission errors since the package is installed via nix and the directory is read-only. Has anyone had any luck installing helm plugins?

Note: The Helm CLI references --repo as the argument to install from a custom repository. ProGet is not compatible with the --repo argument, you will likely receive the following error message: "Error: Could not find protocol handler for:". ProGet will only work by adding a repo using the helm repo add command.

The helm-push command comes from a third-party plugin that is designed exclusively to push packages to ChartMusuem (which is a private Helm repository). It is not a "standard" and is only compatible with the ChartMusuem API, and behind the scenes it seems quite complicated. With the other methods, you just upload the file you specify and get a standard HTTP status code in response.

helmfile.yaml defines the bases, the nested helmfiles and defaults. The base files are merged together and with the helmfile.yaml file before processing the rest of files. The following snippet shows its contents.

Under the helmfiles directive you can specify the file or files in which the Helm releases are defined. To keep this example as simple as possible, all the releases will be placed within the same file (releases/releases.yaml). The helmDefaults directive provides a lot of different options to customize the behavior of the underlying Helm CLI.

Helmfile can also be used to lint the templates that make up every release. To do so, execute the following command. By using the --skip-deps flag Helmfile skips the repo add and update steps as well as the building of the chart dependencies (helm dependency build).

Helmfile provides a sync command that allows to synchronize the contents of the state files (repos, releases and chart dependencies), and it is advisable to execute it periodically to ensure that the releases deployed are up to date. The main difference between helmfile apply and helmfile sync is that the former just apply changes if any difference is detected, while the second syncs all the resources.

curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/arm64/kubectl" Note:To download a specific version, replace the $(curl -L -s )portion of the command with the specific version.

Signed Helm charts are usually hosted alongside an automatically generated provenance file. Using the Helm command helm verify (or Terraform) the integrity and origin of a chart can be verified against the public PGP key of the chart publisher. The contents of a typical provenance file consist of:

Besides setting up our client, this command also creates a deployment and service in the kube-system namespace for Tiller. The resources are tagged with the label app=helm, so you can filter and see everything running: e24fc04721

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