We interrupt this program to bring you "Courage the Cowardly Dog" show, starring Courage, the cowardly dog! Abandoned as a pup, he was found by Muriel, who lives in the middle of Nowhere with her husband, Eustace Bagge. But creepy stuff happens in Nowhere. It's up to Courage to save his new home!

Jeff Swindoll of Monsters and Critics reviewed the first season DVD and praised all the episodes featured in the first season and encouraged fans to buy the season's DVD, but also noted the exclusion of the original Hanna-Barbera short The Chicken from Outer Space on the DVD.[18] In 2023, Indian Entertainment Journal Pinkvilla ranked the show no. 1 of their list of top 10 1990s Cartoons and gave special praise to the critically acclaimed Season 2 episode "Courage in the Big Stinkin' City" and stated that the show remains enjoyable till present times.[19]

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As depicted in every opening sequence of every episode, a TV anchorman announces, "We interrupt this program to bring you... Courage the Cowardly Dog show, starring Courage, the cowardly dog! Abandoned as a pup, he was found by Muriel, who lives in the middle of Nowhere with her husband Eustace Bagge... But creepy stuff happens in Nowhere. It's up to Courage to save his new home!"

Courage will go to any means necessary to protect Muriel from danger, as he even risks his own life. Courage loves Muriel and both share a mother-son relationship. Courage is very smart as he always defeats the villains who try to muriel.He often laughes when he gets hurt courage never gives up as seen in the episode courage meets mecha-courage when di lung built a super strong robot courage battled the robot with a club even though the robot defated courage courage won the battle because he would never give up than the robot courage exploded from tiredness.A runing gag in the show is when eustace scares courage with a mask and says stupid dog and than courage gets scared than muriel hits him with a frying pan and eustaice says "what did i do".

Eustace Bagge is mean to Courage, always calling him stupid dog even when Courage saves his life. Eustace is still mean courage dislikes eustace eustace is muriel's husband allthough muriel seems to like courage more in the demon in the matress eustace even said you go up there she likes you more.Eustace orgainzed the villians to get revenge on courage in the episode the ball off revenge to get revenge on courage however he has shown a genuine love for muriel and occasinley joins forces with courage to save muriel from evil such as the demon in the matress.

Katz is a kat who is Courage's recurring anatagonist. Katz is better at Courage in sports and usually before he is about to kill Courage he likes to make him play a sport. Katz made his first appearance in A Night At the Katz Motel where he tried to kill the Bagges with spiders were upon Courage stopped him he often will say no dogs allowed. Katz is more atheltic than courage and stronger but Courage never gives up. Katz appeared in The Ball of Revenge to get revenge on Courage.

LeQuack le quack is a french con artist and a sacmmer who is one off courages major enemies at the end off ever le quack episode le quack is always seen saying you have not heard ze last off la quack.He appeared in the ball off revenge as an enemie who wanted revenge on courage

Queen of the Black Puddle queen off the black puddle tried to kidnapp eustaice into marring her so she could eat him but courage stoped her she appeared in the ball off revenge as on off courages major enemies

WereMole a creature similiar to a were wolf just smaller yet just as mean apperead in the ball off revenge to get revenge on courage the were mole made its first apperince in the night off the were mole

cajun fox one off courages major enemies he tried to make a granny stew out off muriel however courage stoped him he returned in the ball of revenge like several other villains to get revenge on courage

Big Toe a gangster foot who grew out off eustaces foot he has three toes that are gangsters and he is one off courages origanley enemies he came back for revenge along with many off courages enemies in the ball off revenge

the hunch back the hunch back is a nice ugly deformed creature who is mistreated by every one just because off his looks he befriends courage in the episode the hunch back from nowwhere he teachs eustaice a lesson and when he leaves he says he hopes he meets more people like muriel and courage on his journey.

The Courageous Lion: a mindset that is not deterred by danger or pain. The Cowardly Lion: a mindset lacking the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

I preach these words daily...hell, I did a TEDx Talk about them and what they mean to me and why you should believe in them too. The truth is, I am scared shitless, and yet at the same time, I also feel courageous AF. Fear is something I experience on a daily basis. Every day when I wake up, I go to war with the voices in my head fighting for control.

Having the courage to face adversity means being willing to not be deterred by the danger and pain; however, you will feel it...it's how courage is birthed. It's a place where extraordinary growth happens and a new mindset of what is possible is created.

I have been a coward and I have been courageous...sometimes at the same time! There have been many chapters of life for me where there have multiple challenges I have been faced with and in one challenge, I am bulletproof to the fear and adversity, and there may be another where I am crippled with fear and telling myself that I am unable to handle it...that it's just too much to face. Both experiences have come with pain, suffering, and tears; however, being the coward is a personal commitment to chronic pain and suffering which will eventually bleed into every area of my life.

This duality challenges my confidence at times with a cruel self talk: "who the hell do you think you are serving other people to live with a courageous heart, when you have chosen to be a cowardly victim on so many occasions?"

My response to this voice is: "I am more than qualified to serve others in finding their courage, because eventually I have always found a way to do the right thing and defeat the monsters in the closet!".

It's messy AF. I have fought so many battles and then found myself stuck in certain chapters of the journey...terrified and ashamed. Sometimes I have dug deep and fought my way through and other times it has felt like 40 years suffering in the desert until I have ditched all the excuses that I allowed to plague me and worked up the courage to do that right thing and slay the giants.

I know that my moments of being a courageous lion and being cowardly lion have hurt people in the process; however, the courageous moments also lift me up to new levels of what's possible and can also help others along the way.

It saddens me deeply to know and see people I have hurt through my chapters of being the cowardly lion. I have so many excuses I would love to use to justify those moments, and believe me, I have tried to use them and it never feels right...it's just a way of telling someone not to be angry or disappointed in me because I might have a valid excuse. I have to accept that in those moments, my excuses don't mean shit...only my actions do.

The courageous lion takes accountability. They understand that they will not always do things right, but they will never stop making things right. They don't use excuses and when they ask for forgiveness, it is not conditional - forgive me please but I only acted that way because (inset lame ass excuse).

One thing the cowardly lion needs to understand is that they do not need to find courage, they already have it, but they have to believe in it and they have to be hungry enough to access it...no one can make you do it...you have to want it. It's never too late to be a courageous lion.

There is no shame in being stuck or being afraid; however, there is nothing noble or courageous in living in that space for extended periods of time. I have learned this the hard way on so many levels in life.

I believe in stacking the deck. I like to seek out support in multiple forms. It takes a village and no one should climb a mountain alone. Sometimes even asking for help can feel like a journey as fear can entangle ones' mind into a dark shit abyss unable to see beyond ones' self. In the end, I see asking for help as a courageous move. The next courageous move is what you choose to do with that help.

There are things in my life right now where I see the cowardly lion showing up, and there are things in my life right where the courageous lion is showing up. It's a battle...I do the work...I push...I fail...I fall...I hurt...I get back up...I get back up...I get back up...I will go through this process until I get it right.

I am courageous enough to admit these things, and I am courageous enough to serve others with the skills, lessons, and experiences I have learned along the way. I am courageous enough to ask for help when I need it. I am courageous enough to ask for forgiveness.

I have learned to appreciate my experiences as the cowardly lion as it has allowed me to connect with others who are on a journey to find a their courageous side. It makes me appreciate and value my courageous moments so much more.

If you feel like you are stuck in crisis, chaos, fear, shame, sadness, rage...you are not alone...you are never alone. No matter how cowardly you may feel, the most courageous step you can take is asking for help.

#livewithacourageousheart #values #coward #fear #mindset #cowardlylion #values #dotherightthing #shame #mentalhealth #excuses #askforhelp #lionmindset #crisis #youarenotalone #ittakesavillage #getbackup #itsnevertoolate #hereosjourney

Abandoned as a pup when his parents were sent to space by a crazed veterinarian, Courage was found and adopted by the kind-hearted Muriel, who lives in the middle of Nowhere with her grumpy and greedy husband, Eustace Bagge. But creepy stuff happens in Nowhere, and it always seems to find its way to Courage and his new home. But no matter what, Courage will always push past his otherwise cowardly nature to rescue the owner he loves so much... and Eustace, too. e24fc04721

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