Privacy Policy

This is the privacy policy of Helix.

By using our bot(s)


(Helix (100+)#7460)

you agree to the following terms:

No user data is stored in the database.

  • Data collected:

= Guilds Helix(100+) joins and leaves

= Keeping track of how many servers the bot is in

= Keeping track of the total users

  • The data is needed if a certain user abuses the bot or a certain server tried to exploit the bot's functionalities we will be able to blacklist the user or blacklist&leave the server.

  • The data is only stored temporarily for about 10-15 minutes after which it is deleted from the cached memory.

  • If there is any security concern you can mail us at!

  • 'What if my data gets stolen!?' The data is stored securely on our local network and automatically gets annihilated so it is impossible for it to get stolen.