
❗❗ New commands will be soon added to the command list! ❗❗
General Commands (17)
• !admins -
Displays a list of all current admins.
• !aliases -
Displays a list of all current aliases per command.
• !avatar <USER MENTION> -
Displays a user's avatar (or your own, if no user is mentioned).
• !botinfo -
Fetches Helix's information and statistics.
Changes your current color to the one specified (provide no color to clear).
• !colors -
Displays a list of all available colors.
• !emojis -
Displays a list of all current emojis.
Finds the ID of the mentioned user, role, or text channel.
• !help -
Displays a list of all current commands.
• !inviteme -
Generates a link you can use to invite Helix to your own server.
• !members -
Displays how many server members are online, busy, AFK, and offline.
• !mods -
Displays a list of all current mods. !ping - Gets Helix's current ping.
Sends a message to the specified channel (or the current channel, if none is specified).
• !servericon -
Displays the server's icon.
• !serverinfo -
Fetches information and statistics about the server.
• !userinfo <USER MENTION> -
Fetches a user's information (or your own, if no user is mentioned).

Fun Commands (15)
• !8ball -
Asks the Magic 8-Ball for some psychic wisdom.
• !cat -
Finds a random cat.
• !catfact -
Says a random cat fact.
• !coinflip -
Flips a coin.
• !dog -
Finds a random dog.
• !dogfact -
Says a random dog fact.
• !roll <DICE SIDES> -
Rolls a dice with the specified number of sides (or 6 sides, if no number is given).
• !rps <ROCK | PAPER | SCISSORS> -
Play a game of rock–paper–scissors against Helix!
• !solotrivia <TOPIC> -
Test your knowledge in a game of trivia (only you can answer). If no topic is given, a random one will be chosen.
• !thouart -
Says a random Elizabethan insult.
• !topics -
Displays a list of all trivia topics.
• !trivia <TOPIC> -
Compete against your friends in a game of trivia (anyone can answer). If no topic is given, a random one will be chosen.
• !yesno -
Fetches a gif of a yes or a no.
• !yomomma -
Says a random yo momma joke.
• !youtube <VIDEO NAME> -
Searches YouTube for the specified video.

Point Commands (9)
• !crown -
Displays all crowned guild members, the crown role, and crown schedule.
• !givepoints <USER MENTION> <POINT COUNT> -
Gives the specified amount of your own points to the mentioned user.
• !pointbreakdown -
Displays the amount of points earned per action.
• !points <USER MENTION> -
Fetches a user's current points (or your own, if no user is mentioned).
• !position <USER MENTION> -
Fetches a user's current scoreboard position (or your own, if no user is mentioned).
• !top10 -
Lists the top 10 members with the most points on your server.
• !top20 -
Lists the top 20 members with the most points on your server.
• !top5 -
Lists the top 5 members with the most points on your server.
• !totalpoints <USER MENTION> -
Fetches a user's total points (or your own, if no user is mentioned).

Moderation Commands (8)
Bans a member from your server.
Kicks a member from your server.
• !mute <USER MENTION> <TIME> -
Mutes a user for the specified amount of time (max is 10 days).
• !purge <MESSAGE COUNT> -
Deletes the specified amount of messages from a channel (limit is 50 at a time).
• !purgebot <MESSAGE COUNT> -
Sifts through the specified amount of messages and deletes any commands or messages from Helix (limit is 50 at a time).
Enables slowmode in a channel with the specified rate (provide a rate of 0 to disable).
• !unban <USER ID> <REASON> -
Unbans a member from your server.
• !unmute <USER MENTION> -
Unmutes the specified user.

How-To Commands (3)
• !howtocolors -
Explains how to set up colors on your server.
• !howtomuterole -
Explains how to create a proper mute role on your server.
• !howtopoints -
Explains various aspects about Helix's point system.

Admin Commands (21)
• !createcolor <HEX> <COLOR NAME> -
Creates a new role for the given color hex.
• !enablepoints <BOOLEAN> -
Enables or disables Helix's point tracking.
• !setadminrole <ROLE MENTION | ROLE NAME> -
Sets the admin role for your server (provide no role to clear).
• !setautorole <ROLE MENTION | ROLE NAME> -
Sets the role all new members will receive upon joining your server (provide no role to clear).
• !setcommandpoints <POINT COUNT> -
Sets amount of points earned per command used.
• !setcrownmessage -
Sets the message Helix will say during the crown role rotation.
• !setcrownrole <ROLE MENTION | ROLE NAME> -
Sets the role Helix will give members with the most points (provide no role to clear).
• !setcrownschedule -
Sets the schedule for Helix's crown role rotation.
• !setdefaultchannel <CHANNEL MENTION> -
Sets the default text channel for your server (provide no channel to clear).
• !setleavemessage -
Sets the message Helix will say when someone leaves your server.
• !setmessagepoints <POINT COUNT> -
Sets amount of points earned per user message.
• !setmodlogchannel <CHANNEL MENTION> -
Sets the modlog channel for your server (provide no channel to clear).
• !setmodrole <ROLE MENTION | ROLE NAME> -
Sets the mod role for your server (provide no role to clear).
• !setmuterole <ROLE MENTION | ROLE NAME> -
Sets the mute role your server (provide no role to clear).
• !setprefix <PREFIX> -
Sets the command prefix for your server (max length of 3 characters).
• !settings -
Displays all the current settings for your server.
• !setvoicepoints <POINT COUNT> -
Sets amount of points earned per minute in voice chat.
• !setwelcomemessage -
Sets the message Helix will say when someone joins your server.
• !showcrownmessage -
Shows the crown message for your server.
• !showleavemessage -
Shows the leave message for your server.
• !showwelcomemessage -
Shows the welcome message for your server.