ヘ リ オ ス の ヒ ン ト™

Basic Information:

Helios' Tips (or styled as ヘ リ オ ス の ヒ ン ト ) is a web series I have created mostly myself that is exclusively on YouTube and uploaded under one of my secondary channels, 1981大理石の節約. I am collaborating on this series with Lav Kazan and Megadrive Mike(Windows95 Beer) ,which we currently only have 05 finished episodes. The series is meant to somewhat visually resemble a poor quality kids' show from the 1980's, occasionally, using elements such as puppetry and stop motion to give it that special "Public Access TV show" vibe.


Helios, a young adult bust sculpture, attempts to find something meaningful to do with his life, for his relatives before him have saved their home countless times from the evil nightcore goddess, Selene. He eventually comes to the conclusion that the only good thing he could possibly do is create his own television series, which he goes on to transform it into a series of Vaporwave tutorials. After searching across Zaphaze Island for a partner to help him out in terms of production, he comes face to face with an Mspaint Wacko, Blazer Zoomer. they quickly become friends and begin production. During the making of their tutorials, however, Selene has created what she calls a “soul doll” to release into Zaphaze Island and report back to her in order to learn the identity of her next opponent. One faithful day, said soul doll is released into the land by Selene once more to capture the duo and bring them straight to her. When that fails, she decides to just put her master plan into motion and notify Helios and Blazer of it in order to lore them to her and finish them off. She hijacks all the broadcasting services of Vaporworld to explain what is about to happen to all of them. While they watch her in the crowd of citizens, a cat, Owen, informs Helios and Blazer of the knowledge his Queen possesses on the one and only weakness of nightcore gods/goddesses. The three of them report to her where she gives Helios and Blazer a list of items necessary for Selene’s defeat. The duo ventures off to obtain all four items and in doing so, stumble upon three new friends! Opal, Recordo Analog, and Visual Recollections, who help them acquire all the items and stick with them on the journey to defeat Selene once and for all! But Selene is not the only threat the team must face. Fucks The Bunny and his Gang of Fucks noticed Helios in the crowd of people earlier and Fucks leads his gang to The Valley of Hairballs in order to track down Helios and kill him as a form of revenge.

Pilot Episode - 緑に照らされた (Greenlit):

Episode 01 - 美的に芸術する方法 (How to aesthetically art) :

Episode 02 - 正しくカセットする方法 (How to properly cassette) :

Episode 03 - 美的ビジュアルの作り方 (How to make aesthetic visuals) :

Episode 04 - 冒険が始まる(The Adventure Begins) :

Episode 05 - モルガナイトのお得な情報 (Lolite Deals):

List of Characters:

Major Characters:

Helios The Vaporwave Elf

Full name: Helios Kodo Doublechecker the Vaporwave Elf

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Likes: Vaporwave, Vaporwave visuals, Surreal VHS stuff, Crystal Pepsi, Arizona Iced Tea, anything from McDonald's

Dislikes: Memes, Drama

Occupation: Main Protagonist

Character Description: Helios is the character that the series follows and is the leader to his group of friends, which consist of Blazer, Opal, Recordo Analog, and Visual Recollections. He is your average optimistic hero who is willing to put his life before anyone else's just out of the kindness of his heart. But he does at times start to lose his temper and get a little angry every now and then, especially to Blazer. But at the end of the day, he is still a small, blue bust statue with a big heart.

Blazer Zoomer

Full Name: Blazer Disc Zoomer Jr.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Likes: Annoying Helios, Jack Stauber, Vaporwave, Synthwave, Offensive memes, NSFW stuff

Dislikes: Fortnite, Baby Shark

Occupation: Sometimes helpful sidekick

Character Description: Blazer is the best friend and sidekick to Helios. Although he is Helios' sidekick, he usually spends most of his time annoying Helios instead of actually helping him. He is a bit of a troll and an overall silly guy who just likes to partake in harmless shenanigans. But when Helios really does need it, Blazer will always be there to help.


Full Name: Opal J. Mayfair

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Likes: Playing electric guitar, producing music, flying, shooting on 8mm film, cussing

Dislikes: Talking about his music partner, Vaporwave, people, Ridiculous situations

Occupation: Comic Relief

Character Description: Opal is a red teletubby who Helios and Blazer both meet on their way to obtain Wi-Fi. He becomes part of the team after he helps the two obtain Wi-Fi, which they all find in a grocery store. He is the more talkative and comedic member of Helios' team, cracking a good joke or two every now and then during the group's epic adventure and can always find a way to lighten the mood.

Recordo Analog

Full Name: Recordo Carlos Analog

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Likes: Jack Stauber, Kraina Grzybow TV, Gumby, Vaporwave, malls

Dislikes: Rude people, Anime, Tik Tok, Being told what to do

Occupation: The Chill One

Character Description: Recordo Analog is an Mspaint being with a VHS tape for a head who Helios, Blazer, and Opal all meet while they are at the grocery store. He is the more chill and down to earth member of the team and doesn't add all too much besides helping the team obtain a music note from his sister, Sophia Analog.

Visual Recollections

Full Name: Visual Recollections The III

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Likes: Skittles, Vinyl records, Vaporwave, Future Funk, James Ferraro

Dislikes: furries, McDonald's, Nightcore, Red Bull

Occupation: The Oldest And Wisest

Character Description: Visual Recollections is a wooden mannequin who hides his face using a neon Mspaint mask. He is the last member to join Helios' team and like the others, he joins the team from helping them get another item they need, with the item this time around being a regular gold brick. He is the oldest and smartest member on the team and is also a semi famous celerity in their world due to the fact that he has listened to every last Vaporwave album ever created including its subgenres from Eccojams all the way down to hushwave.


Full Name: Octavia Selene The Nightcore Mistress

Age: 1,398

Gender: Female

Likes: Being sassy, Nightcore, making people afraid, violence, crushing dreams, winning everything

Dislikes: Helios, Vaporwave, Jack Stauber, Soda, Losing, Not being taken seriously

Occupation: Main Antagonist

Character Description: Selene is an evil goddess from the Nightcore Realm and who Helios and his friends are going on a quest to defeat, since she is the one who started Helios' adventure by wanting to dispose of the world he lives in and everyone and everything else that inhabits it, mostly because she just personally thinks that they are an insult to what wonders her kind can create and bring to life. She is a cruel and heartless dictator who loves to rule everything that she sees with an iron fist.

Soul Doll

Full Name: Soul Doll

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Likes: Following Selene's orders, making people feel uncomfortable

Dislikes: Making Selene mad, nature

Occupation: The Dumb Minion

Character Description: Soul Doll is a creature that Selene created and brought to life herself, only so she could have someone to help her succeed in whatever awful idea she has planted in her head. He does not have any sort of real conscience, and is at his core, just a mindless slave that Selene has full control of.

Minor Characters:

Doug Zoomer

Full Name: Doug Disc Zoomer

Age: 49

Gender: Male

Likes: Esfiha The Coyote,Windows95 Beer, Burger King, Swearing, Sleeping

Dislikes: Blazer(his son), Mcdonald's, Public Access Television, Lounge Music, Arizona Iced Tea

Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: Doug Zoomer is the biological father to Blazer Zoomer. His only appearance throughout the entire series is in the Pilot episode, where we see that he is a rather toxic and verbally abusive parent to Blazer and most likely an abusive husband as well.

Queen Kitty

Full Name: Queen Alesia Milo Kitty

Age: 75

Gender: Female

Likes: Gold, Crystals, Studying religions, being Queen, Helios, water with ice, Salads

Dislikes: Evil beings, Dark rooms, random cat citizens begging for money, being disobeyed, Mice

Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: Queen Kitty is an Mspaint cat who's fur is always seen glowing in an assortment of neon colors. She is the rightful ruler of the Valley of Hairballs, who Helios and Blazer travel to in order for her to tell them the required items they need to create the ultimate weapon against Selene.

Fucks The Bunny

Full Name: Bently Bouncer the Bunny(is his real name)

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Likes: Motocycles, Beer, Guns, Gore, R-rated movies, movie referrences, being a team's leader, bow ties

Dislikes: Helios, Blazer, Alexander, Police Officers, being easily defeated, having to pay for beer

Occupation: Minor character, Secondary Atagonist, Re-occuring character

Character Description: Fucks The Bunny is a blue, gang member rabbit who sports a blue bowtie and is the leader of the GOF(Gang Of Fucks). Throughout the course of the series, he is constantly hunting Helios down with the intention of murdering him right on the spot. His motivation for doing so is because prior to the events of the series, him and Helios accidentally met at a local gas station while he was with his previous gang who were attempting to rob the clerk for everything he had. Helios so happened to bump into Fucks while the event took place and he responded by fighting Helios one on one. Helios won, causing Fucks to embarass himself and getting kicked out of the gang. He's been searching for Helios ever since, trying to get revenge on him. But now that he has come across the marble bust once more, its payback time!

Cunts The Dog

Full Name: Cusmer Cunts The Dog

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Likes: Pizza, Video Games, Garlic Bread, R-rated Movies, Sex, Anime Mouse Pads, Knifes, Guns, Loud Mopeds

Dislikes: Blazer, Vaporwave, Dark Chocolate, Orange Juice, Opal, Quiet Pubs

Occupation: Minor character, Re-ouccuring character

Character Description: Cunts The Dog is a green dog with light brown fur covering his stomach and surrounding his left eye. He is the second member of the GOF (Gang Of Fucks) and is the least aggressive member of the team. Altough, like the others, he is still able to come off as intimidating as well.

Raver The Bird

Full Name: Zack Raver The Bird

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Likes: Beer, Weed, Video Games, Esfiha The Coyote, Techno, Horror Movies, Guns, Swords, Bombs, Gold Braclets

Dislikes: Potato Chips, Romace Movies, Kids, Synthwave, Chillhop, 7up

Occupation: Minor Character, Re-occuring character

Character Description: Raver The Bird is a red bird who has a dark blue beak and is the third member of the GOF (Gang Of Fucks). He is Fucks' right hand man and always helps out such as planning hiests with Fucks or storing the Gang's weapons in a safe place when not in use.

Piss The Lion

Full Name: Rick Piss The Lion

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Likes: Beer, Weed, Cocaine, Porn Magazines, Gold teeth, Motorcycles, Punk Rock, Esfiha The Coyote, Sky High News, free Vibe Strips

Dislikes: Kids, Candy, Video Games, Computers that don't accept floppy disks, Helios, Visual Recollections, Movie cliches

Occupation: Minor character, Re-occuring character

Character Description: Piss the lion is a yellow lion who has dark brown fur covering his head, stomach, and the end of his tail and is the fourth member of the GOF (Gang Of Fucks). He is the most unhelpful member of the Gang, most commonly only meeting up with them in order to get high off of whatever he can find in their meeting spot.

Shits The Wolf

Full Name: William Shits The Wolf

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Likes: Beer, Cocaine, Weed, Speed, LSD, Bathsalts, Wine, tortilla chips, Meatball subs, Arizonia Iced Tea, Mopeds, Pick up Trucks, Porn Magazines

Dislikes: Kawaii Things, Esfiha The Coyote, Chess, Eye Contests, Hangovers, Police Officers, Being talked down to

Occupation: Minor character, Re-occuring character

Character Description: Shits The Wolf is a gray wolf with white - tipped tail and is the fifth and final member of the GOF (Gang Of Fucks). He is the most threatning and most dangerous member of the team besides Fucks The Bunny. Which usually means he ends up being a substitute leader of sorts for the Gang whenever Fucks is not present.

Alexander The Chillhop Elf

Full Name: Alexander Dynasty Doublechecker The Chillhop Elf

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Likes: Chillhop, Lo-Fi, The Internet, Blazer, Chips, Soda, NSFW stuff, Sky High News, Karmway Night Live

Dislikes: Vaporwave, Mallsoft, Fucks The Bunny, Selene, School, Homework, Feeling Lonely

Occupation: Minor character, Re-occuring character

Character Description: Alexander The Chillhop Elf is the biological son of Helios. He tags along for the journey after evesdropping on Fucks and his Gang discussing their plans to go kill Helios after they saw Selene's worldwide announcement. Out of love and consideration for his own father, Alexander hitches a ride on the back of Raver's motorcycle while the Gang was driving off in order to prevent them from murdering Helios.

The Wi-Fi Guru

Full Name: The Wi-Fi Guru

Age: 87

Gender: Female

Likes: Wi-Fi, Jason Charles, Dark Magic, Mystical Items, Fairytales, Apple Cinnamon Sented Candles, Dark Rooms, Cyrstal Balls, Opening the third eye

Dislikes: Uninterested Costumers, Running low on equipment, getting her stuff stolen, People cracking the glass ok her Cystal Ball

Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: The Wi-Fi Guru is a short, old woman wearing a Wi-Fi gown and is the first person Helios and Blazer go to in order to obtain the Wi-Fi that is required to create the Ultimate Weapon Against Selene. She is somewhat rude to all her costumers and acts like she has a very busy schedule dispite the fact that no one ever visits her "store", since its located in the very back of a grocery store.

Sophia Analog

Full Name: Sophia Warpson Analog

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Likes: Yoga, Vaporwave, Synthwave, Chillhop, Meditation, Diamounds, Neon Lights, Recordo

Dislikes: Nightcore, Arizonia Iced Tea, Video Games, Buttersotch, Plain Cheese Pizzas

Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: Sophia Analog is the biological and older sister to Recordo Analog. She is a calm and light hearted teenage girl who really loves yoga and neon lights. She agreed to give Helios' team a music note she's been storing in her room if they could show her that they all have good dance moves.

Discman The Merchant

Full Name: Discman Lazerhawk The Merchant

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Likes: Gold, Silver, Vibe Strips, Colored Pebbles, Pirating Movies, Visual Recollections

Dislikes: Fool's Gold, Getting ripped off, Selene, Nightcore, Chillhop, drunk people

Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: Discman The Merchant is a short, old man wearing a religous robe and is the person that Helios' team travels to in order to obtain a gold brick, one of the items required to create the Ultimate Weapom Against Selene. They win the brick after Visual Recollections makes a deal with him out of pity for the rest of the team.

Megadrive Mike

Full Name: Megadrive Mike

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Likes: Being rude, collecting Sega games, Fighting, Vaporwave, N64, Windows95 Beer

Dislikes: Tiktok, fortnite, anything Nintendo relased after N64

Occupation: Minor charater

Character Description: Megadrive Mike is a middle aged gamer who is also a massive alcoholic. He is always seen in pubs getting super drunk and is always rude and/or pissed off at everyone and anyone he comes across. Helios was only able to convince him to give up his mini Sega Master System if he could beat him in a beer drinking competition. Megadrive Mike is nothing special, just an ordinary asshole gamer who can't stop having hangovers every night.

Jason Charles

Full Name: Jason Marvin Charles

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Likes: Cyrstal balls, gold keys, Wi-Fi, spell books, Windows95s beer, Arizonia Iced Tea

Dislikes: Impaitent Costumers, not being spoken to at the store interance, Sky High News, Esfiha The Coyote

Occupation: Minor character
Character Description: Jason Charles is The Wi-Fi Guru's assitant and also takes the role as the receptionist at their "store". He's there to keep track of The Wi-Fi Guru's schedule for the day and to make sure nobody gets away with shoplifting items.

Cola Ovalman

Full Name: Cola Ovalman

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Likes: Goofy noises, causing mischeif, Zaphaze Island, Arizonia Iced Tea

Dislikes: Selene, Windows95 beer, Queen Kitty

Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: Cola Ovalman is an Mspaint being and is very similar to Blazer in some ways. He is actually even more of a mischeivous character than Blazer.

Mellow Shroom

Full Name: Mellow Shroom

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Likes: Windows95 beer, Esfiha The Cyotoe, N64, gold, silver, Sky High News

Dislikes: Arizonia Iced Tea, Phased Futures Blvd., being called a fungus
Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: Mellow Shroom is a sentient Mushroom that that wonders aimlessly around Zaphaze Island looking for people to talk to.

Owen The Cat

Full Name: Thedore Owen The Cat

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Likes: Queen Kitty, Mittens, Sky High News, yarnballs

Dislikes: Selene, water, uninvited citizens, frizzy fur

Occupation: Minor character

Character Description: Owen is Queen Kitty's most trusted servant. He is always there to please the queen and obey her every command. He informs Helios and Blazer of her knowledge of Evil Goddesses, as he sees that the two have some potential to save not only the Kingdom of the Valley Of Hairballs, but also the entirety of Vaporworld as well.

The Cosmic Brothers

Full Names: Conner Cosmic, Billy Cosmic, and Bonkers Cosmic

Ages: 13, 12, 16

Genders: Male

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

Occupation: Background characters

Description: not much is known about the Cosmic Brothers, other than they are reside in Zaphaze Island.