
Academic publications

Scott-Fordsmand H and Tybjerg K (co-written). 2023. ‘Approaching Diagnostic Messiness through Spiderweb Strategies: Connecting epistemic practices in the clinic and the laboratory’. Studies in the history and philosophy of science, 102 (December):12-21. (Open access)

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2023 (online first 2020). 'Reversing the medical humanities,' Medical humanities, 49(3):347-360. (preprint available here)

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2022. 'Sticking with the fat: Excess and Insignificance of Fat Tissue in Cadaver Dissection,' Medicine, Anthropology, Theory, 9 (3):1-21. (Open access)

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2022. 'Evaluating emotions in medical practice: A critical examination of “clinical detachment” and emotional attunement in orthopaedic surgery,' Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 25(3):413-428. (preprint available here)

Martiny KMM, Scott-Fordsmand H, Jensen AR, Juhl A, Eskelund Nielsen D, and Corneliussen T [order of contribution]. 2022. 'From Contact to Enact: Reducing Prejudice Towards Physical Disability Using Engagement Strategies,' Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 12:602779. (Open access)

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2021. 'Abject Object Relations and Epistemic Engagement in Clinical Practice,' Philosophy of Medicine, 2(2).  (Open access)

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2016. '[Phenomenology Philosophically: the stuttering of language and the movement of thinking] Fænomenologien filosofisk: Sprogets vaklen og tænknings bevægelse,' Tidsskift for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling 4(1):70-85. (Open access)

Notebook with a lot of writing and a pen

Work in progress

Invited Book forum. ‘On Split and Splice. A Phenomenology of Experimentation by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger,’ Studies in history and philosophy of science. Under review.

Contributed chapter. ‘Inferring from Negative analogies’ in Mary B. Hesse: Metaphors, Models, and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge, ed. Pietro Gori. Series: Women in the history of philosophy and science, Springer. Co-authored with Mauricio Suárez. Due March 2024.

Article. ‘Ethnographic Philosophy’, Philosophy Compass. Due March 2024.

Other writings

Heðinsdóttir K and Scott-Fordsmand H (co-written). 2023. '[Abortion politics: Pragmatism or principles?] Abortpolitik: Pragmatisme eller principper?,’ Bibliotek for Læger 215(2). June.

Scott-Fordsmand H and Heðinsdóttir K (co-written). 2023. '[Detachment or empathy: What should doctors feel in the clinic?] Afkobling eller empati: Hvad bør læger føle i klinikken?,' Bibliotek for Læger 215(1):4-13. March.

Nyrup R and Scott-Fordsmand H (co-written). 2022. '[Machine learning and the unexplainability problem: Should we be able to explain clinical decisions made by artificial intelligence?] Maskinlæring og uforklarlighedsproblemet: Skal vi kunne forklare kliniske beslutninger taget af kunstig intelligens?,' Bibliotek for Læger 214(4):328-341. December.

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2022. 'How we think about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ emotions in medicine,' Shame and Medicine Blog. 12 September. 

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2022. '[Why uncrowned? Philosophy kings and queens and the question of legitimately belonging to philosophy] Hvorfor ukronet? Filosofkonger og -dronninger og spørgsmålet om et legitimt tilhørsforhold til filosofien,' Baggrund X Golden Days. 

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2022. '[But... what's wrong with me? When diagnoses need to do more than point to proper treatment] Men… hvad fejler jeg så? Når diagnoser skal mere end pege mod korrekt behandling,' Bibliotek for Læger 214(1):1-96. March. 

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2022. '[Julia Kristeva: Intermediary and process] Julia Kristeva: Mellemværende og proces,' Salongen. Online 14. February. 

Heðinsdóttir K and Scott-Fordsmand H (co-written). 2021. '[Inequality and incentives in research: Are there alternatives to the patent system?] Ulighed og incitament til forskning: Findes der et alternativ til patentsystemet?,' Bibliotek for Læger, 213(4):356-369. December.

Scott-Fordsmand H, Formosinho J, Friis T and Grytter S (co-written creative writing piece). 2021. 'Entering the house: Making sense of Covid-19,' The Polyphony. 

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2020. 'Epidemics, Embodiment and Sartrean Slime,' Blogpost: Medical Museion, 8 December. 

Tybjerg K, Scott-Fordsmand H, Moseholm KF (co-written). 2020. 'Pandemia: Cunning offerings from above,' Plethora: Theia mania, 10:4-17. November.

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2020. '[The body and the Corona crisis] Kroppen og Coronakrisen,' Bibliotek for Læger, 212(2):114-125. June.

Scott-Fordsmand H and Kongsholm NCH (co-written). 2020. '[Medical treatment of undocumented immigrants: How far does our ethical obligation go?] Medicinsk behandling af udokumenterede immigranter: hvor langt rækker vores etiske forpligtelse?,' Bibliotek for Læger, 212(1):78-93. March.

Heðinsdóttir K and Scott-Fordsmand H (co-written). 2019. '[The right to life. An examination of a central argument in the abortion debate] Retten til liv: En undersøgelse af et centralt argument i abortdebatten,' Bibliotek for Læger, 211(3):226-238. September.

Scott-Fordsmand H and Heðinsdóttir K (co-written). 2019. '[Is there anything wrong with biotechnological enhancement? The debate about the world’s first gene-edited humans] Er der noget galt med bioteknologisk forbedring? Debatten om verdens første genredigerede mennesker,' Bibliotek for Læger, 211(2):148-157. June. 

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2019. 'Kevin Aho, Heidegger Research: Existential Medicine,' Phenomenological Reviews. January. (Academic book review). 

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2018. '[What can doctors learn from art and literature?] Hvad kan læger lære af kunst og litteratur?,' Månedsskrift for Almen Medicin : 469-477. June.

Scott-Fordsmand H. 2017. '[On spirit] Om ånd,' A Little Less Conversation – Ånd, Arkiv for Detaljer. Egebak A, KV Mikkelsen KV and Flarup RO (eds.), 10: article no. 12.