Tim Heinkelmann-Wild

Researcher and Lecturer at LMU Munich


European Blame Games:
Where does the Buck stop?

Journal Articles

Insuring the Weak:
The Institutional Power Equilibrium in International Organizations.
(ISQ, 2024)

How Negative Institutional Power Moderates Contestation:
Explaining Dissatisfied Powers’ Strategies towards International Institutions Contestation
(RIO, 2024)

No Place to Hide: The Public Attribution of Responsibility for Policy Failures of International Organizations.
(RIS, 2024)

The Cooptation Dilemma:
Explaining US Contestation of the Liberal Trade Order
(GSQ, 2024)

Governance abhors a Vacuum:
The Afterlives of Major International Organisations (BJPIR, 2024)

Blame Shifting and Blame Obfuscation:
The Blame Avoidance Effects of Delegation in the EU
(EJPR, 2023)

Wann eskalieren westliche Mächte institutionelle Kontestation?
Interne Kontrolle, externe Effekte und Modi der Kontestation internationaler Institutionen
(ZIB, 2022)

Dolce far niente?
Non-compliance and blame avoidance in the EU
(WEP, 2022)

To Yield or Shield?
Comparing International Public Administrations’ Responses to Member States’ Policy Contestation
(JCPA, 2022)

Disentangling Institutional Contestation by Established Powers:
Types of Contestation Frames and Varying Opportunities for the Re-Legitimation of International Institutions
(GlobCon, 2022)

Indirect Governance at War:
Delegation and Orchestration in Rebel Support
(JCR, 2022)

Nicht nur wehrlose Sündenböcke!
Schuldvermeidungsstrategien internationaler Organisationen (PVS, 2020)

Disarmed Principals:
Institutional Resilience and the Non-Enforcement of Delegation
(EPSR, 2020)

Divided They Fail:
The Politics of Wedge Issues and Brexit
(JEPP, 2020)

The EU Multi-level System and the Europeanization of Domestic Blame Games
(PaG, 2020)

Multilevel Blame Games:
Blame-shifting in the European Union
(Governance, 2020)

Heroes Welcome!
An Exceptional Story of “Good” Refugees in the German Tabloid Discourse
(JMD, 2019)


Varieties of European Blame Games:
On Scapegoat, Renegade, and Diffusion Games (OUP, 2024)

Eine Krise liberaler Hegemonie:
Die Trump-Administration und die Kontestation der Liberalen Internationalen Ordnung
(J.B. Metzler, 2023)

A Crisis from Within:
The Trump Administration and the Contestation of the Liberal International Order
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)

Divided They Fail:
The Politics of Wedge Issues and Brexit
(Routledge, 2021)

The European Blame Game: Explaining Public Responsibility Attributions in the European Union
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2018)

Public Commentary and Outreach (selection)

Multilateralismus in der Ära Trump:
Verfrühter Abgesang
(IP, 2024)

Wer die Internationale Ordnung retten will, muss sie jetzt zurückbauen
(ZEIT Online, 2024)

Ob Trump oder Harris:
Europa muss sich auf die US-Abkehr vom Multilateralismus vorbereiten
(DVPW Blog, 2024)

The liberal international order will only survive the US elections if institutions are reformed to not work against the interests of powerful states
(LSE USAPP, 2024)

Auch ohne Trump:
Die USA werden sich weiter aus multilateralen Institutionen zurückziehen
(IPG, 2024)

The right lessons from Trump 1.0:
Why Europeans must prepare for future US withdrawal from multilateral institutions
(Verfassungsblog, 2024)

Europe must prepare for US withdrawal from multilateralism – under Trump or Harris
(LSE EUROPP, 2024)

When do governments benefit from non-compliance with unpopular EU policies?
(LSE EUROPP, 2021)

Mächtig, moralisch, multilateral – Deutschlands schwierige Partnerwahl
(GPPi, 2020)

Internationale Organisationen sind keine wehrlosen Sündenböcke
(DVPW Blog, 2020)

How European integration affects blame games in national politics
(LSE EUROPP, 2020)

Brexit and the tragedy of the Commons:
How wedge issues generate detrimental outcomes
(LSE Brexit Blog, 2020)

Who gets the blame?
How policymakers in the EU shift responsibility when things go wrong
(LSE EUROPP, 2019)

Brexit and the tragedy of the Commons:
How wedge issues generate detrimental outcomes
(LSE EUROPP, 2019)