
Attendees can be:

  • Juniors: Non-PhD holder academics (Undergraduate / Master / PhD students)

  • Young Researchers: Postdoctoral Researchers up to 35 years old

  • Seniors: PhD holder academics

  • Industry: Non-academics

There is no difference between early and late registration fees.

Conference Registration Fees (In person participation)

  • Active HeCrA members (*)

    • Undergraduate/M.Sc. students: 10 €

    • PhD students: 30 €

    • Young Researchers: 50 €

    • Seniors: 75 €

  • Non-Active HeCrA members

    • Undergraduate/M.Sc. students: 20 €

    • PhD students: 40 €

    • Young Researchers: 75

    • Seniors: 100

    • Ιndustry: 250 €

(*) As an active HeCrA member is consider everyone who has payed the annual membership fees for 2021

Conference Registration Fees include:

  • Reception

  • Coffee and Lunch breaks

  • Conference Program and Electronic Proceedings Volume

  • Certificate of attendance

  • Annual HeCrA Membership Fees for 2022

Online attendance fees (**)

  • Active HeCrA members (*)

    • Juniors: free

    • Young Researchers: free

    • Seniors: 10

  • Non HeCrA members

    • Juniors: 10 €

    • Young Researchers: 25 €

    • Seniors: 35

    • Ιndustry: 150 €

(**) Participants can only watch the presentations and impose written questions to the speakers. They cannot submit an abstract for poster presentation as no e-poster platform is supported.

Registration could be performed by:

  • Bank deposit: Participants can deposit their Conference Registration Fees in the Bank Account of HeCrA:

HeCrA Account number: 202-00-2002-000154

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    • After the deposit, participants must e-mail a copy of the bank deposit receipt to the HeCrA treasurer Dr. A. Papakyriakou with subject "HeCrA10 registration" and indicate in the body of the message the type of registration (for instance: "Junior", "Senior", etc)

    • Transaction expenses must be covered by the participant.

    • Cash payment: Attendees can also pay cash directly at the conference's desk.

Receipts will be given upon Registration at the Conference.