
The deadline for bursary applications is the 30th of September 2021

  • A limited number of bursaries (for travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses) funded by the IUCr will be available for young scientists.

  • Young scientists are graduate students, post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows with a maximum age of 30 (exceptionally 35). Preference will be given to applicants with a crystallographic background, who have published in IUCr journals and those from developing countries, particularly in Latin America, Africa and South East Asia.

  • There are two separate bursaries streams:

- Up to 400 Euros for young scientists who will travel to Athens from abroad.

- Up to 100 Euros for young scientists who will travel to Athens from other Greek cities.

A substantially reduced registration fee will be provided for recipients of the Young Scientists Bursaries.

  • In order to qualify for a bursary, applicants will be expected to present a poster. In order to apply for a bursary, you will need to send the following information to Kostas Bethanis

      • a current CV

      • a letter of support from your supervisor or Head of Department

      • an abstract for your poster

Kostas Bethanis e-mail: kbeth@aua.gr