Welcome to the 9th International Conference
The 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association (HECRA) will take place in October 5-7, 2018 at the Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras in Greece. The conference is co-organized by HECRA, the University of Patras, the Foundation for Research and Technology and Patras Science Park. The conference is supported by the European Crystallographic Association (ECA). The aim of this meeting is to promote and support research and education in the fields of crystallography and structure in Greece. The forthcoming conference will include plenaries and microsymposia dedicated to recent advances in CryoEM, XFELs, synchrotrons, spectroscopic methods and other related techniques for the study of materials, inorganics, small organics and biomacromolecules, emphasizing the progress of structural sciences in recent years.