Digital Collection

FREE ebooks & audiobooks from your library with Libby

All you need is a library card to access ebooks, audiobooks and more for free! Read & listen to books with just a tap in our award-winning app. Download the app and start reading!

You will be asked for your Hebron Library credentials. Your username is the 3-non-zero digits of your library account and your password is your last name. Email the library if you need help logging in.

NoveList Database

The NoveList Plus database connects readers to their next book by making recommendations for what to read next. One of the most popular elements is read-alikes. This feature suggests titles that are ‘just like’ other titles. If you’ve just finished a great book, log into NoveList Plus and find great read-alikes. There are also read-alikes for authors and series. Consider NoveList Plus your one-stop guide to great reading. It contains lists of recommended reads and award-winning books. It covers both fiction and nonfiction titles for all ages from the youngest readers to adults.

Hebron library patrons, stop by the library to request the login credentials.