
Contact Information:

Prof. Sunmi Shin

Office: EA 05-15

Lab: EA-05-50 (TPL 1), E6-02-04 (NET lab) 


Mailing Address: 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117575

M.S. and Ph.D. Student Recruitment

The HEAT Lab is currently seeking M.S. and Ph.D. students interested in the following research themes:

Students interested in the general themes of thermal engineering, sustainable energy conversion, nanomaterials, and novel characterization techniques are also encouraged to apply. Prospective graduate students should apply to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. We welcome students with a strong background in one of the following areas: mechanical, electrical, chemical and materials engineering, physics and chemistry. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and contact Prof. Sunmi Shin (

Post-Doctoral Scholar Recruitment

Our team has an opening for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher. Experience in micro- and nano-fabrication is highly desirable. For inquiries, please contact Prof. Sunmi Shin (

Undergraduate Students

We welcome highly motivated undergraduate students to join our group.