Wednesday Walks

2024 Programme of Walks:

07/08/2024 - TBA

04/09/2024 - TBA

09/10/2024 - TBA

06/11/2024 - TBA

04/12/2024 - TBA

We are very pleased to advise that we are continuing our popular programme of short walks, that began in 2022.

In 2023, these began at 10:30, as requested, are Wednesday walks, and are between 3 and 4 miles in length.

Walks Leaders are all volunteers from the Associations membership.  If you would like to lead a walk then please contact us at  . 

Please try and share transport for a walk as parking may be at a premium.  

Visitors are very welcome, come and join us! and after a couple of walks you are welcome to join the Association to help the valuable work it does to keep the Heart of England Way and Arden Way available to everyone who enjoys walking.

To join the mailing list for these walks, please contact  .  We will send full details of the walks, including parking, closer to the walk date(s).