The Game of Chess
Chess is a game of the Ages
The game has been played for AGES.
Players of ALL ages can play the game.
Chess is game of War
Field position is important.
Protect the King.
The Queen is the most active and important piece
The Castle, Bishop and Knight compliment the Queen.
The Pawns advance to be promoted to any piece except the Queen.
Chess is a game of Thought.
Players use strategy, offensive and defensive,
Players use combinations by thinking ahead.
Chess is a game Fairness.
All moves of the pieces can be documented and are regulated by the piece.
The King can move only one square at a time in any direction.
The Queen can move any number of squares in any direction
(*) until capturing or wishing to stop and hold a position.
The rook (2) can move horizontally or vertically and capture any opponent.(*)
The Bishop (2) can move only diagonally on their own colour.(*)
The Knight can move in an “ L” formation any direction (1up 2 over or 2 over 1 up)
The Pawn can move only FORWARD and ONLYcapture Diagonally,
The first move of each pawn can be two (to speed up the game)
IF a pawn attains the fifth rank
It can capture of another pawn “en passant”, (in passing is possible)
If the pawn advances to the 8th rank it can be promoted to any piece
EXCEPT the king.
No electronics are involved in the game…just knowledge and skill.