Public Relations

You must sign in with a google account in order to upload documents into the forms below.

This may require you to sign in with a different google account other than the one you have with your school. Some schools do not give permission for you to communicate or upload documents outside of their domain.

Your technology administrator may refer to the link below "G Suite Admin Help"

G Suite Admin H

Provide items for Public Relations

You will need documentation from this current school year that details information about the project and your involvement. Examples may include an article in your local newspaper, school board meeting, district newsletter, school newsletter, website article, etc.

This may also be a group effort with other teachers in your building or district. If this is done as a group, only one person needs to submit the documentation. All members of the group must have an active role for this activity.

Documentation - using the form below, please upload any agendas, sign-in sheets, pictures, or presentations that support this activity. PDF copies only and please label your file with your name, activity, and date. Up to 5 files may be downloaded.

Teachers Documentation

Below you can view your documentation that you have uploaded to this section of the ERN.