Healthy Phit

Why Health PhiT?

Healthy Phit Physical Therapy & Wellness Consultants, LLC was established in 2012. I sought to create a practice in which the client’s total health and wellness was the primary driving force. In the short time since its beginning, Healthy Phit has lived up to its focus and more.

No two clients will ever receive the same care, because no two clients are exactly alike. Everything done at Healthy Phit is centered around helping each person (or group) meet their own specific goal. Individuality and commitment to quality care are simply put, the Healthy Phit way.

Services Offered at Healthy PhiT

  • Mom Life Coaching

  • Wellness Coaching including:

    • Phit Mom/PhiT Chick Wellness Program

    • PhiT Dad/PhiT Man Wellness Program

    • PhiT Family Wellness Program

    • Sport-Specific Training Program

  • Naturopathic Services in partnership with Dr. Parkes and The Lifestyle Clinic

  • Corporate Wellness

  • Mobility Visits

  • Fall Prevention

Want to schedule a consultation with me? Click here for the link to my website!