Marine bivalves are nutritious, inexpensive and sustainable protein sources for humans nonetheless their commercial production in Africa is relatively unexplored


HealthyBi4Namibe- Development of technological tools to improve and reduce health risks for bivalve consumption in Angola

Project Number: FCT-AGAKHAN/541666287/2019

Start: 1 st January 2022

End: 31 st December 2024

Total Budget: 242.368,70€

Our mission

To develop technological tools to improve and reduce health risks for bivalve consumption in Angola


WP1: Characterize the impact of the environment in marine bivalves

Task 1.1- Microbiome

Task 1.2- Toxic phytoplankton and microplastics contamination

WP2: Identify bivalve responsive genes to environmental challenges

Task 2.1- Experimental challenges and Transcriptome

Task 2.2- Depuration assays 

We aim to deliver:

1) A survey of potential environmental threats for bivalve mariculture in Namibe

2) Establish a framework for environmental monitoring to improve bivalve production and security

3) Define standard operating procedures for bivalve depuration

4) Capacity building to ensure tools and expertise that can secure the long-term legacy and project impact 

Funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. and Aga Khan Development Network