Kick-off meeting 

HealthyBi4Namibe kick-off meeting was on 20th of January 2022 via ZOOM where members of CCMAR (Portugal) and UNINBE (Angola) got together and discussed and planed the work. We were all very happy and looking forward to start the workplan! Soon visits between both partners will start! Here is our group photo!

Our bivalve model species

The brown mussel (Perna perna)- native species

Semimytilus algosus- invasive species

Collecting bivalves for the environment

Sampling at UNINBE

Visit to a local company that commercialize and exports cooked mussels

Ocupação Cientifica de Jovens na Férias (CCVIVA)

This year we had 3 very enthusiastic high school students that came to CCMAR and wanted to known more about the HealthyBi4Namibe project. They stayed with us for 2 weeks in July and participated in all our activities. Next year they want to come back!

Heathybi4Namibe participates in Cientificamente Provável

The Cientificamente Provável is a joint initiative of the Portuguese Secretary of State for Education, through the Network of School Libraries, and the Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education. It aims to intensify the promotion of knowledge and contribute to the training of students by establishing links between higher education institutions and primary and secondary schools.

Our students defending their work

Wyonna and Giaelle presented their work on the detection, characterization and environmental screening of pathogenic marine bacteria that are major responsible for foodborne diseasis in humans

We were @ the United Nations headquarters in New York

We were invited to present our project at the UN Science Summit at the 77 United Nation General Assembly in a session organized by the Mission or Portugal: Marine and freshwater resources for food security.

During our second visit we have started the Food Microbiology lab at UNINBE  

Our first workshop on Basic Microbiology practices applyed to food safety

We went to meet the students at schools in Namibe and talked about our project

Our team at UNINBE collecting and preparing seawater samples for Environmental monitoring Moçâmedes Bay

Our team actively working for another sampling day for metagenomics!

We were at Microbiotec 2023 presenting our results!


We have started our activities in schools 

We have started our activities in schools @ NAMIBE

We have presented the results of our project @ UNINBE

Funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. and Aga Khan Development Network