How To Get Rid Of The Stubborn Lower Belly Fat!

how to get rid of the stubborn lower belly fat

This article will give you an insight on how to get rid of the stubborn lower belly fat in both females and males quickly.

For the majority of people lower belly fat is the most stubborn area for fat loss. However, at the same time it is the key to taking your physique to the next level and getting a flat stomach.

Simple weight training and eating at a caloric deficit is not going to be enough to get rid of stubborn belly fat. It's much harder to lose fat in stomach area than other areas of your body. That is why so few people have a full-out six-pack.

How to Create a Calorie Deficit?

A caloric deficit is when you expend more energy than you consume. You may intake calories every day and you might be consuming more than you're burning which is going to lead to weight gain. Otherwise you might be consuming less than you're burning which is going to lead to weight loss and fat loss. This is what is called a caloric deficit.

There are 2 different ways you can create a caloric deficit. Firstly you can do so through nutrition and the other through training which is your energy output. However it might be easier to create a caloric deficit through diet than doing exercise, as individuals are less motivated to exercise daily.

how to get rid of stubborn belly fat


What causes Lower Belly Fat in Females and Males?

Although some levels of visceral fat (stomach fat) are considered healthy, problems occur when these fats gets abnormally high. An increase in visceral fat may due to various reasons as follows:

  • Consuming foods high in sugar. Foods with too much sugar are usually delicious but are harmful to your health. Research has shown that eating sugary food can increase the levels of stomach fat in the body.

  • Eating Foods with too much Trans Fat. Trans fat is use as a preservative in package foods and is considered unhealthy. It also leads to a rapid increase in belly fat.

  • Too much alcohol consumption. A high consumption of alcohol beverages has been linked to too much belly fat. Although drinking alcohol in moderation is considered safe, it can cause serious health problems.

  • Menopause in women. During menopause, women tends to gain stomach fat more rapidly. This is because before menopause, the levels of estrogens reduces. Estrogen causes women to store visceral fat around the hips and in the thighs. During the menopause stage, the reduced levels of estrogen causes a build up of belly fat.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle. Studies have shown that inactivity is one of the major cause of stomach fat build up. Persons who sit down for long hours daily are more likely to have a build up of stomach pooch.

Other causes of belly fat may include:

  • In-balance in the intestines.

  • Low fiber intake.

  • Lack of sleep.

  • Genetics.

The reasons why people struggle to lose fat doing physical exercises are:

  1. They get impatient and quit

  2. They aren't doing the most optimal training for it, which, as you will see, also relates to number one.

The reason why they are impatient is that when people usually start training, they see that they're making progress and losing fat in other areas of their body. They get motivated, but after months of hard dieting and cardio, they don't see much change in their belly fat, so they quit.

Most people would quit too, but the reason they quit is due to the fact that they aren't doing the most optimal training for it. Which means they are hardly getting any results for all of their hard work.

This is because getting down to moderately low levels of body fat, they're, going from 15% body fat to 10%. This is a lot easier than getting down to very low levels of body fat by going from 10% to 7%. This is where you need to take your training to the next level in order to continue seeing results.

4 Steps on Getting Rid of Lower Stomach Fat

Here are the 4 best steps on how to get rid of belly fat quickly to lose that stubborn, lower ab fat as fast as possible. These tips can be used to get rid of that last bit of fat on your lower abs and lower back.

Keep in mind that you should be at around 10 to 12 % body fat before being concerned with stubborn fat. The reason for this is if you're at a higher level of body fat than that, your body will prioritize losing fat in other areas of your body. For example your arms, shoulders and face rather than stubborn fat.

Body Fat Percentage Chart

First Step

The first step is to use intermittent fasting. This is an eating protocol where you ingest all of your calories, but there is a 8 to 10 hour window and fast for the rest of the day. For example, eat from 12 p.m. To 8 p.m. and don't consume anything with calories outside of those hours through various mechanisms. Terminal fasting is able to effectively target stubborn bodies. Body Fat research by the experts show that you can achieve this by increasing levels of group of fat, releasing hormones called Catecholamines increasing abdominal blood flow. This means that these hormones will have an easier time reaching your stubborn belly fat and thus burning off the fat in this area. A fasting protocol with a 8 hour feeding window and a 16 hour fasting is preferred, as it is easier to maintain.

The Second Step

The second step is to increase your activity, while in the fasting state. In order to get to a fasting state, your insulin levels must drop from the elevated levels you are at after you eat. This often takes several hours since insulin normally inhibits the breakdown of Fat.

Your insulin levels should be low during your workouts, in order to maximize fat loss. This will increase lipid mobilization by using an intermittent fasting protocol when you wake up.

You will actually be in this fasted state until you have your first meal. Therefore by increasing your energy demand while in a fasted state, you theoretically increase mobilization and fat burning in stubborn areas even more.

This is where you will really notice the difference when exercising with fasted cardio. This will enable you to lose more fat and go from around 10% body fat down to 6-7%. This is most of the stubborn fat that you will lose.

The Third and Final Step

The final step is to perform high intensity interval training or [hiit] and, ideally to perform it in a fasted state for reasons previously discussed.

There have been several studies, concluding that hiit protocols are able to burn more fat than steady-state cardio and in less time. More importantly research also indicates that hiit (high intensity interval training) may be especially helpful in getting rid of stubborn fat.

This is due to the hormonal responses that are exhibited from performing. It has been shown on several occasions to actually significantly increase catecholamine levels in the body during and post exercise.

As discussed earlier, increasing catecholamine levels in the body, especially when you're in a fasted state can potentially increase fat loss in stubborn areas. Since we don't see these catecholamine responses, research has shown that hiit (high intensity interval training) is the best method to target that stubborn fat.

However one of the biggest downsides with faster training is that it can increase muscle loss when you're on a caloric deficit. It is therefore recommended supplementing it with branched chain amino acids to counteract this effect.

In addition, some people find that they don't do very well lifting weights while fasted and they have to lower their weights as a result. If this is the case for you, then it is suggested that you do cardio in a fasted state and your weight lifting in a non fasted state. This is in order to best maintain your strength and maximize your post-exercise oxygen consumption.

So how exactly can you best implement the tips previously described?

  1. Use the intermittent fasting protocol that you prefer. For example, 16-hour fast and eat hour feeding window.

  2. Perform your weight, training and cardio, while in a fasted state, ideally in the morning. But if you prefer weight training non fasted, then do that instead and stick to fasted cardio

  3. Use hiit (high intensity interval training) as your fasted cardio two to three times per week. Also do additional fasted low intensity cardio if that isn't enough, since hiit too often is very stressful on the body.

One very important thing to always keep in mind is that at the end of the day, you need to be eating at a caloric deficit. You can use all the tips mentioned above, but it won't get you anywhere if you're not eating at a caloric deficit.

Intermittent Fasting to Get rid of Stubborn Belly Fat

You can also use intermittent fasting to help you lose weight. The simple reason is that when you fast for a long period of time, your body gets used to eating less, so it begins to burn more fat.

By restricting your eating habits, intermittent fasting usually requires little effort and can reduce stomach fat with little effort. It can also be easier to stick to than other slimming programs.

How To Get Rid of Belly Fat Quickly

Finally, when it comes to losing that especially stubborn belly fat, it all comes down to being patient. With it, the strategy mentioned above are just some of the methods that can help to get rid of stubborn fat. To help speed up the process, i recommend the Lean Belly Fix. It is a special blend of berries and other foods that triggers a chain reaction inside the body after consumption. It enables the body to begin expelling the CRP (C-reactive protein), and gives your body's natural ability to burn fat a boost.

I hope you found this article helpful and provide you with the relevant information on how to get rid of the stubborn lower belly fat.