World Healthy Food for Healthy Diet

World healthy food is a right for everyone, not just the wealthy, and food for healthy diet doesn’t have to cost the earth (pun intended). Even those on a limited budget can eat healthy with a little imagination. Take, for example, the fact that there is a huge variety of edible weeds that are full of nutrients. Not that I’m suggesting you start munching on weeds, but adding choice ones to your salad can make a delightful and healthy combo.

Fresh fruit and veggies is a given - even a diet of healthy food that is overcooked, without a side-salad to balance the equation, is not going to provide the necessary nutrients for optimum health. That’s where some traditional habits can be detrimental to achieving optimum health. Some diseases might be considered hereditary, but so is the eating habits handed down from one generation to another. That of course, begs the question, is the disease hereditary or a result of the eating habits taught from birth?

There’s no need to change traditional diets totally, but a little balance can make a big difference. World healthy food is available to everyone. Combining traditional dishes with food for a healthy diet, we can strike a good balance. The tips shown in Wisdom Wellness Diet and Health gives a great overview of possibilities. The above link is for the e book version and it’s also available in amazon paperback books.