Welcome to healing with rocdoc38

My names Chris Jamieson, I had a 4-year recovery journey with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgicencephalomyelitis. After falling ill, I often struggled going on 5 minute walks and had crashes which would leave me couch-bound. 

Today, after multiple setbacks and years of trial and error, I’m in peak health playing Aussie rules football, Ive recently ran three 42km marathons (the runs also raised awareness for M.E/CFS),I can work 5 days a week and feel more aligned with my true self than ever I was before. 

I love my current job as a qualified special needs school teacher, however my dream job for the future would also be working with clients 1-1 struggling to overcome M.E/CFS. or mental health challenges.  It however will be more from the heart as oppose to a business platform.

I believe through my own recovery journey, with the many complexities of the illness, it’s best to work with a health coach who has previously experienced over coming the illness.

One thing I remember when going through the illness was the abundance of information (both positive and negative about the illness) and how all this information can be quite confusing and be complicated.  Working with me I’m going to keep it simple and stick to the Four key pillars of M.E/CFS recovery/healing which involves: 

Also understanding that while M.E/CFS is a physical illness; healing begins with calming down the nervous system.

I also realise that having the illness has resulted in never ending medical bills and people with the illness have been spat out by western medicine with high cost and very little answers, so I will offer very flexible cost 1-1 coaching call prices.  The first call for 15 minutes will be free to see if you will be the right fit for coaching calls.  The coaching calls will be based on the clients current health and progression and how their health weighs up to the 4 pillars of recovery.

After overcoming the illness, all I want to do, from the bottom of my heart, is to give back and help other sufferers be able to achieve their best life. 

Here's my recovery story with 'heal with Liz'

Here's my recovery story with 'Raelan Agle'

Here's my recovery story with Toby Morrison @ CFS HEALTH

My Belief on what causes CFS/M.E :

I don’t have a clear answer what causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgicencephalomyelitis. No one does.

All I have is my own theory that before contracting the illness, the individuals body was most likely in Fight-or-Flight mode for a prolonged period of time.

When I had CFS/ME I was definitely in Flight-or-Fight 24/7, which is Sympathetic mode and its physiological responses. 

It was ultimately meditation, mindfulness and incorporating new healthy lifestyle choices which allowed me to slowly but surely move from Flight-or-Fight mode to Parasympathetic healing mode, which is about rest, digestion, reproduction, and repair.



PILLAR 1: Mindset/Calming down your Nervous System.

PILLAR 2: Diet in recovery

PILLAR 3: Quality sleep

PILLAR 4: Restorative movement


Disclaimer: Chris Jamieson is not a licenced medical profesional in any way or form. Nothing on this page should be concidered medical advice, only personal experience.  Chris Jamieson is not a doctor, psychologist or therapist, and only teaches self-help and self-healing practices.