PTSD, Depression, Spirituality

A brief history\ Ayahuasca, Depression, PTSD, Abuse, and Spirituality and used within our beliefs as sacraments of our Tribal church used in traditional ways.

The following may or may not be the beliefs of Vine Of Enlightenment Tribal Church. Our focus is spirituality and healing through Mother Ayahuasca.

What would happen if you can get a glimpse of reality out of these matrixes, how would you do?

The ayahuasca tea will bring you to a space of blissfulness. There you can download the information of the universe.

It promotes physical health as countless users stop self-abuse by eating healthier. It helps with depression and addictions.

Ayahuasca helps stop harmful drug abuse. People used it become more aware that their body is their temple.

It brings you to a place of love as it heals your past mental and emotional wounds. You will feel refreshed as the baggage of the past has been lifted.

Your past traumas resolve itself. You, as the real you will be disconnected from your ego and view yourself in a whole new way. You will be more connected and be able to sense others emotions and vibes beside the physical world. This will help you in your relationships with yourself as well as others around you.

Our medicine does all of the above and much more. Many people are afraid to find out the Truth, and rather live life unconsciously. However, if you made it this far, it means you are here for a reason and you are on the right path.

Ayahuasca loves to take prideful people and rub their nose in it. I mean it can make you beg for mercy like nothing. You have to really approach it humbly.

Ayahuasca is a great alternative when dealing with addiction and/or substance abuse especially if the traditional medications no longer work for you.

Ayahuasca therapy is a very intense psycho-active ceremony that generates a process of introspection, through which one’s whole mind-frame is readjusted. It unfolds all the unresolved problems and unhealthy attachments you have in your subconscious.

Although its manners are gentle, the entire process can be difficult because it puts you under a microscope and in the darkest corners of your mind. An addict tends to avoid unhappy memories and traumatic experiences by consuming his drug of choice to keep his thoughts away.

Ayahuasca used for addiction treatment works because it helps addicts face their problems by readdressing everything and digging deep inside to the core need of your being. With this, you get the chance to rediscover yourself, your purpose and your path.

Addiction makes you forget who you truly are and who you were before you became an addict. But Ayahuasca therapy will lead you back to that healthy state of being, so you can start all over again.

Ayahuasca treatment for drug addiction and substance abuse is effective because it helps break your harmful connections and dependence into an addictive substance. Ayahuasca treatment offers you freedom.

You can also search for â ayahuasca opiate addiction” and ayahuasca alcoholism” to see more reviews about ayahuasca and addiction.

Spiritual Effect Of Ayahuasca Drug Addiction Treatment, Addictive Patterns – Regaining Yourself

mental health effects of ayahuasca drug rehab alcohol rehab

Like other psychedelic substances used as an alternative medication to conventional treatment for addiction, ayahuasca’s main gift is the spiritual experience.

The patterns of addiction work out towards a total dilution of one’s personality and sense of self.

You identify yourself with the addictive behavior, with being a victim, oppressed and not understood. You feel unaccepted by society and therefore you slowly avoid the people dear to you and the activities you used to enjoy.

With ayahuasca treatment for addiction, you close all links to the external world as a result of the internal pressure. Then, you gradually lose your strength, courage, will, and hope. In the end, you are left with hate towards yourself and everybody else.

Ayahuasca breaks this circle by allowing love and compassion to intervene in this dimension. This gives you the possibility to forgive yourself and all others.

An addict blames himself and the whole universe for his miserable life. Forgiveness and acceptance open the doors towards an independent and un-addicted existence.

The attitude of compassion is an attribute of divine grace. It enables you to accept and embrace the imperfection in the universe, in yourself, as well as in everything and everybody else. Ayahuasca tells you that beneath the imperfect appearance of the addict, lies a perfect being.

Its as if you return to a forgotten perspective that you had before becoming an addict. Aside from renewing your mind, the psychedelic experience will give you a healthier and stronger body.

The cleansing process happens through purging. Through vomiting and defecating you throw out all the toxins from your body including the frustrations, insecurities, and self-hate you have kept within you in years. As a result, you clear yourself of everything unhealthy that you fed your body, mind, and heart.

Dependency has a tricky manner in which it captures and takes control of the psychic. A long-lasting addiction transforms the being in such a way that you become addicted to the addiction itself. By identifying with your obsession, you slowly become it. Its a mental loop.

Ayahuasca has the capacity of transforming this imprisoning pattern. Once you ive eliminated the negative vibrations and the drama, and when the suffering is transformed to peace and love you will get rid of addiction.

After you purged everything, you begin to rediscover your core needs and desires, to reconstruct your personality bit by bit. And the amazing thing is that afterward, you will wake up unattached and completely free of addiction!

Thus, ayahuasca and addiction are two things that are somehow related because the former works for the latter. Many confessed that ayahuasca for drug addiction works. Actually not just for drugs or substance abuse because ayahuasca also works for alcoholism.

Chemistry Of Ayahuasca Resets The Chemistry Of An Addicted Brain

mental health effects of ayahuasca drug rehab alcohol rehab

How does ayahuasca work? The Ayahuasca brew is made out of two Amazonian plants: a vine, Banisteriopsis caapi that contains MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) and the leaves of Psychotria viridis containing DMT (N, N-dymethyltryptamine).

DMT, the spirit molecule is the substance that your brain is inundated within states of meditation, deep sleep or when dying. This is the chemical compound that alters your mind.

An addict has very strong dependency links to his addiction that it needs treatment to help him overcome the cycle. Ayahuasca proves helpful because it opens your eyes to reality so rich and new, that your three-dimensional frame becomes an entanglement of infinite possibilities.

This will make you realize that everything is possible, including the option to withdraw from your addiction. It can shockingly shake off any preconceived idea and pattern of behavior. It can rewire your brain for meaningful changes. Thus, putting you through a symbolic death.

The Ayahuasca brew ingeniously combines the MAO inhibitors to combat the natural arising inhibitors of the body. As a result, the effect of Ayahuasca lasts somewhere between 4 to 6 hours.

This is long enough to experience the symbolic death at all possible levels, enough to be conscious of everything and to remember it in detail. Like a newborn, you will have a clean slate, so you can start from zero. Only what truly matters is born again with you and the harmful pattern of addiction goes away for good with the purge.

Ayahuasca delivers a profound sensation of wellness and power. It grants the addict the confidence and strength to overcome his addiction.

The combination of the two plant medicines that make out the Ayahuasca extract offers the addicted brain something it has lost along the way – plasticity. The mind suppressed by addiction is structured on certain paths that it becomes blocked.

By working on the neuroplasticity, ayahuasca not only welcomes new thoughts and feelings but also strengthens the healthy neural network it created.

Another aspect that is targeted by ayahuasca addiction treatment to free you from dependency is the reward center. For addicts, the reward is the substance they are addicted to. However, once you realize that you can get satisfaction from just being alive, the substance starts to become less rewarding and more like a poison.

Studies Researching The Effect Of Ayahuasca In Addiction

The use of ayahuasca in the treatments of addiction is relatively new in Western medicine and it still is not accepted as a viable option. This is mainly because of the lack of studies supporting its effectiveness for wellness.

Also, Western doctors cannot accept the relationship between the spiritual and the physical dimensions without scientific proof. The claims that curing comes only because of the consistent and recurrent participation at a collective ritual are also not enough to back up the reliability and effectiveness of ayahuasca in addressing addiction.

One study observes 15 members of the União do Vegetal , a Brazilian church performing rituals with the sacred plant. Some of them admitted to abusing drugs including amphetamine, opioids, and cocaine. Others confessed of alcohol and nicotine addictions.

A group of doctors studied and interviewed each of them. They concluded that through the regular rituals with the ayahuasca brew, all of them were freed from their addictions. BOOM !!!!!!!

Here are other studies about the uses and effect of Ayahuasca:

A more recent study was conducted in Oregon, where 32 regular Ahahuasca practitioners, belonging to the I do Santo Daime were observed to assess the effects of the medicine on their psychological disorder. Among them were heroin and alcohol addicts who struggled their whole lives to get rid of their addiction. They found relief through ayahuasca sessions.

The Takiwasi Center, in the Peruvian Amazon, is dedicated to the study and treatment with Ayahuasca. They also combine the ancestral knowledge and rituals with contemporary psychotherapy to address addiction disorders. Since its opening, hundreds of patients have been treated in this clinic, most of them were addicted to cocaine and alcohol.

Psychiatrist Gabor Mate, under the sponsorship of MAPS Canada, performed an observational study during a 5-day retreat ceremony after which he concluded that the ayahuasca treatment has significantly reduced the parameters of substance abuse after just one single ayahuasca experience.

Thus, ayahuasca cures drug dependence, alcoholism or other addictions you are suffering from. However, the results may vary as you have to do your part to see changes. Be open to the wonders of Ayahuasca treatment and embrace it to fully enjoy the freedom and healing it brings.

Why The Ayahuasca Therapy Works Where Conventional Treatment Fails

mental health effects of ayahuasca drug rehab alcohol rehab ayahuasca addiction center

Usually addiction is treated with group sessions and medications. However, only a very few are rehabilitated because it is only the structure that sustains this type of therapy. The traumas are not explored in any conclusive way and this conventional method therapy resides in replacing one addiction with another.

To give up heroin only to become a methadone addict or to lose alcohol in favor of cannabis is not rehabilitation. It doesn't solve the addiction problem at all.

On the other hand, in the ayahuasca ceremony, the participants are encouraged to spit out their life sorrow during the purging stage. In contrast to the traditional treatment, ayahuasca goes directly to the source of the issue, to the real cause of addiction!

By working out the therapeutic process from the core outwards, the Ayahuasca treatment can reprogram the mechanisms of your brain. It changes the coordinates of your mind and allows you to let go of your harmful behavior.

When you discover your real need, the addiction falls to the last places in your concerns list. As a result, you are freed from your enslavement.

Ayahuasca abuse is possible. Just like alcohol or drug, you can have yourself overdosed with Ayahausca. The common side effects are ongoing nausea, intense intoxication, panic, and psychosis.

Ayahuasca is a powerful solution to addiction. Just make sure that you do not abuse it because you wont like the side effects. She will spank you.

In general, ayahuasca can effectively switch off your addictive behavior. So, if you are going through a difficult time to end a destructive habit, this alternative is highly recommended.

Other Sources:

Ayahuasca for Depression: Benefits & Healing Effects

Why do people go in the heart of the Amazonian jungle to relieve their sorrow? Whats in there that keeps them coming back to seek joy and peace?

People with depression are having a hard time fitting in themselves to society and dealing with their demons. Their condition is insufficiently understood by conventional medicine because it is too complex.

Depression is a common mental health problem that causes people to experience low mood, loss of interest or pleasure and feelings of guilt or self-worthlessness, difficulty in sleeping, poor concentration and low energy to mention a few. In the U.S.A., 16.2 million people(1) or 6.7 percent have had at least one major depressive episode in a given year.

This is dependent on individual experiences, personality and on ones whole psycho-emotional structure making it very challenging to fit to the standard therapies and medication. At present, this is currently treated with antidepressants.

treatment-resistant depression randomized placebo-controlled ayahuasca healing depression

Unfortunately, the current medications are causing furthermore problems through their side effects. Also, the change of the prescription drug becomes a routine as the body develops resistance quickly.

To address this, the ancient old medicine traditions seek for alternative cures and found Ayahuasca – a plant potion that magically relieved their sorrow and gave them an incredible life boost.

They notice that this resets the coordinates of their brain and helps them become more enthusiastic and healthy. This is something that the traditional medications fail to offer as those usually come with a long list of side effects. Medical centers have also begun looking for solutions outside their laboratories and into the jungle and they also noticed ayahuasca potential.

For those suffering from depression and are looking for alternative medications, ayahuasca is the key to restructure your way of living and perceiving reality.

The therapeutic potentials of ayahuasca for depression are very impressive. In the next sections, we will discuss how psychedelic ayahuasca works in aiding you with this mental illness. We will also cover ayahuasca effects on depression.

Ayahuasca Mode Of Action Responds Perfectly To The Mechanism Of Depression

treatment-resistant depression randomized placebo-controlled ayahuasca healing depression

Depression is a complex condition, that emerges in people under traumatic stress or on the course of a series of traumatic events. This is not a momentary issue that occurs as a response to an isolated incident, but it emerges and evolves over a long period, restructuring the whole being under the paradigm of unhappiness.

When depressed an individual loses trust in his abilities to survive or to function in society, developing social anxiety and panic attacks that lead to isolation and for some, suicide.

Any traumatic event when repeated in your thoughts or prolonged exposure to negative stimuli not only enslaves the mind but in the end, convinces and reformats it to believe that – that ugly thing is its natural state. Ayahuasca's capacity to rewrite patterns in your brain makes it a great solution to depression.

This Amazonian brew works by targeting your issues and helping you interact, accept and resolve it. Whatever you are feeling, ayahuasca will refresh you and set you in a healthy route.

To Heal The Mind Is Necessary To Heal The Soul

psychological medicine psychedelic drug ayahuasca improves

The intricate mechanism through which depression creeps inside ones mind and takes control of the whole strategy of life is very mysterious.

Although conventional medicine practitioners have shown a vivid interest in the therapeutic properties of this plant extract, its still going to take more work to cement its reputation as treatment for depressions.

When looking at its interaction with the human body, the standard medical authority tends to overlook what South Americas aborigine people consider essential ât the spiritual aspect.

The interdependence of the psychic, emotional and physical dimensions is a simple principle that guides tribal cultures all over the world. In these terms, the condition of the mind will always be reflected in a certain emotional state. So, when you treat one, you will also heal the other.

For example, you can heal your body with your mind or heal your soul to enjoy peace of mind.

The Trance On Ayahuasca Is A Self Conducted Psychotherapy Session

Ayahuasca works for two reasons – (1) chemical reaction and (2) psychotherapy. I’ll explain these two in the following sections.

For the first one, the chemistry of the plant supplies the necessary compounds to aid the brain in the process of reprogramming it. This happens inevitably either consciously or unconsciously.

Like other psychoactive substances involved in studies and treatments, ketamine, MDMA, LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca generates introspection and self-analysis, pointing out to the core issues that generate the individual problem.

It puts the light on long-forgotten wounds and on ill-thinking and helps you realize what is good and what is bad for you. But most of all, it gives you the power to break the chain of unhealthy habits of entertaining negative thoughts. Ayahuasca will empower you to take care of yourself.

For the second one, the whole process can be likened to a session with a psychotherapist. However, the experience can be unique or difficult to comprehend for those who are not open to the ayahuasca potential.

Many who participated in the ayahuasca ceremony confessed that they have spoken with the spirit of the plant or animal. Some said that they had a divine encounter, others said that they were taken back to their darkest time. No matter what their experiences were, those gave them answers and guided them for a deeper self-exploration that led them to bliss.

Once your emotional state becomes evident to you, the sickening patterns of loneliness and depression will wither and break apart. You will be introduced to a new state of mind where feeling good is the natural state. Your mind will be reprogrammed and this will affect your mood, attitude, and disposition in life.

However, the internal process isnt over when the trip ends, instead, it is only the beginning. Ayahuasca will only show you the way, you need to persevere to enjoy its long-term benefit.

For people suffering from depression, ayahuasca is a breath of fresh air. It cleanses your mental and emotional state taking you out from the darkness and giving you a brand new start.

Averting The Noise In The Brain And The Loneliness In The Heart

banisteriopsis caapi clinical trials randomized placebo-controlled trial placebo-controlled trial

For people suffering from depression, social anxiety is a predicament that they inevitably have to endure. In most cases it causes the individual to become more and more isolated, cutting all ties around him which further leads to loneliness

One of the essential effects of Ayahuasca is an overwhelming feeling of connection with everything there is, paired with a peaceful state of mind, where trusting and forgiving yourself and others become the natural state.

This way ayahuasca alleviates social anxiety, by ensuring the individual of its own force, of its place and role in the world, by giving him back the lost self-esteem and the power to love himself. By freeing the mind of disturbing patterns, one is free to readdress the world from a different setting and intention.

Ayahuasca ceremony includes purging where one releases the toxins of the body, heart, and mind. After this process, you will get to eliminate the unnecessary noise and sickening thoughts and emotions within you.

The Chemistry Behind Ayahuasca’s Beneficial Effects On Depression

rapid antidepressant effects rapid antidepressant effects hard-to-treat depression

Ayahuasca depression benefits are very popular. The experts are even convinced that these medicinal plants are viable options to treat a variety of mental conditions including addictions, depression and anxiety. Ayahuasca tea is a popular psychedelic tea

The science behind ayahuasca action is simply incredible and it is mind-blowing how tribal people came up with this combo. This jungle brew, cooked on the fire under the bright blue sky, fuses two different chemical compounds that are a perfect match.

The leaves of Psychotria viridis or Diplopterys cabrerana contain DMT while Banisteriopsis caapi contains the MAO inhibitors. DMT, the spirit molecule, is considered by scientists as the prime generator of the psychotropic experience, the introspective trance one enters under the effect of Ayahuasca (although shamans attribute much of it to the other component plant as well).

DMT is a naturally occurring substance in our body or it can also be consumed as a psychedelic drug for ritual purposes. It manifests during meditation, near-death experiences and the likes. When you are in any of the aforementioned state of mind you tend to experience peace and clarity, which depressive person longs for and never reaches.

Under normal conditions, DMT is immediately broken down by our bodys enzymes, MAO (monoamine oxidase). Solely the effect of DMT would last only a few minutes if it wernt for the MAO inhibitors that prolong and enhance the journey.

The duration of the entire process is significant for the healing effect to take root inside ones mind, as for depression this is mirroring the great length of time that took for depression to settle. For this reason, the combination of chemical composition that makes up ayahuasca is a more efficient solution than solely the chemically extracted DMT.

What was rather evident in studies concerning the uses and effects of ayahuasca on people affected by depression is an increase in the number of serotonin receptors, continuing after the session is over. This gives the body the possibility to manage its serotonin resources more efficiently without creating an imbalance.

As opposed, antidepressant medications concentrate on over-flooding the brain with an excess of serotonin, which once exhausted leaves it depleted. As a consequence, the body develops resistance. So, one has to take a larger dose or look for a new medication.

Ayahuasca Effects on Depression Studies

You got to check an ayahuasca depression study to ensure the traditional Amazonian plant medicine effects on mental health problems. Extensive research has been done to elucidate the mechanics and the amazing results of Ayahuasca treatment. However, there is such a huge gap between the conventional and the tribal medical education (curanderos and shaman have outstanding knowledge of the workings of nature and the human body) that its hard to translate the jungle experience into a standard clinical one.

For once, the whole ceremony where the shaman sings and blows tobacco smoke along with other ritual instruments cannot be incorporated in a hospital room. It cannot even be considered relevant from a scientific point of view.

The doctors who conduct this type of trials are themselves, explorers and believers. Such notions are simply incompatible with any reasonable scientific coordinate.

So, to test ayahuasca, they have to secure the climate of the experience under the same conditions as any other clinical trial, which of course is not easy, yet there is hope as more and more programs are being devised to study this medicinal brew on actual patients.

Until now the scientific research that has been done in this domain couldnt be considered conclusive due to lack of classical empirical instruments, like a control group (placebo group) to confirm the tests results. Still, observational studies of members of the Ayahuasca religion show that it has been clearly curing their depression, anxiety, and addiction.

Jaime Hallak from the University of Sao Paulo found that one single session of Ayahuasca has long-lasting powerful antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. Professor Draulio Barros de Araujo at the Brain Institute in Brazil has given the plant medicine to a great number of people with depression and with resistance to conventional medication. According to the report, it helped improved their condition up to one week after a single drink.

More studies are needed to support the effectiveness of ayahuasca for depression. However, those who used this were very impressed at how this helped them deal with depression successfully.

Other Sources



In the last decade, research studies have found that serotonin plays a role in the regulation of sleep and serotonin are propeller of dreams, improving a wide range of conditions such as migraine headaches, depression and Sleep disorders.

Ayahuasca helps increase levels of serotonin.

Because Ayahuasca temporary decrease enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), which lead to an increase in normal levels serotonin. The serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is involved in the control of mood, emotion, sensory perception and higher cognitive functions. Until recent years, the decrease of MAO and treatment was popular with depression because when it blocks the action of this enzyme dedicated to degrade certain neurotransmitters (dopamine and norepinephrine) increase overall levels of serotonin allowing increased neuronal activity and this is what makes the plant Ayahuasca.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter or communicator transmitting electrical impulses from one nerve to another. It is produced in the brain and intestinal tract and is responsible for important functions of behavior, such as the ability to plan and make decisions from a higher perspective. It is thought that serotonin deficiency is responsible for depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, addictions, and even suicide. Recent studies have shown that serotonin is effective in the experience of love, giving and maintain healthy relationships, and also combat the negative effects of dopamine, a substance always connected to the craving of addiction, and is present whenever the body experiences tenderness. Serotonin is not only the metabolic precursor of melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, and therefore useful in spiritual stimulated activity of the pineal gland, but also serves as a precursor to the greater production of endogenous DMT.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps improve sleep and reduce stress. The Molecule of Ayahuasca is only two steps from Tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid, is one of the essential amino acids, is universal, all living things have Tryptophan.

Ayahuasca is best for mental problems. dimitriltriptamina Ayahuasca contains DMT is a substance that our brain naturally secretes and when we are in states of deep meditation or relaxation. Yoga teachers secrete this substance from your pineal gland but to get to this state of Yoga meditation you would need years of practice, and with the Ayahuasca, you can experience it in 40 minutes.

DMT is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter serotonin like. Our brain naturally produces mind from our pineal gland. The Ayahuasca already contains high amounts DMT pineal gland and activate this.

The Ayahuasca Plant is the largest source of DMT is a neurotransmitter produced in the pineal gland that is responsible for dreams in REM rest unconscious

The active Ayahuasca pineal gland is closely related to religious mystical experiences.

Ayahuasca was patented in the United States as an antidepressant.

In June 1986 LOREN MILLER, California resident and owner of pharmaceutical INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANT MEDICINE, patented the use, processing and marketing of Ayahuasca. Miller recorded it as an antidepressant and named DA VINE. It should be noted, that the patent was canceled in 1998, in obedience to a lawsuit filed by indigenous organizations in the Amazon.

This patent was intended to prevent a natural product like drinking ayahuasca, make competition a product synthesized by the pharmaceutical industry. However, if a laboratory (through genetic engineering) comes to inventing Ayahuasca GM could patent them and get all the benefits, no one can resist. Interestingly, in the state of Hawaii, there is a variety of chacruna which enjoys a reputation of more power than the Amazon.

But the question is why do you think PLANT MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, patented the use, processing and marketing of Ayahuasca? The answer is: Why is the worlds most powerful antidepressant.

Ayahuasca for Depression: Benefits & Healing Effects

Why do people go in the heart of the Amazonian jungle to relieve their sorrow? Whats in there that keeps them coming back to seek joy and peace?

People with depression are having a hard time fitting in themselves to society and dealing with their demons. Their condition is insufficiently understood by conventional medicine because it is too complex.

Depression is a common mental health problem that causes people to experience low mood, loss of interest or pleasure and feelings of guilt or self-worthlessness, difficulty in sleeping, poor concentration and low energy to mention a few. In the U.S.A., 16.2 million people(1) or 6.7 percent have had at least one major depressive episode in a given year.

This is dependent on individual experiences, personality and on one’s whole psycho-emotional structure making it very challenging to fit to the standard therapies and medication. At present, this is currently treated with antidepressants.

treatment-resistant depression randomized placebo-controlled ayahuasca healing depression

Unfortunately, the current medications are causing furthermore problems through their side effects. Also, the change of the prescription drug becomes a routine as the body develops resistance quickly.

To address this, the ancient old medicine traditions seek for alternative cures and found Ayahuasca – a plant potion that magically relieved their sorrow and gave them an incredible life boost.

They notice that this resets the coordinates of their brain and helps them become more enthusiastic and healthy. This is something that the traditional medications fail to offer as those usually come with a long list of side effects. Medical centers have also begun looking for solutions outside their laboratories and into the jungle and they also noticed ayahuasca€™s potential.

For those suffering from depression and are looking for alternative medications, ayahuasca is the key to restructure your way of living and perceiving reality.

The therapeutic potentials of ayahuasca for depression are very impressive. In the next sections, we will discuss how psychedelic ayahuasca works in aiding you with this mental illness. We will also cover ayahuasca effects on depression.

Ayahuasca Mode Of Action Responds Perfectly To The Mechanism Of Depression

treatment-resistant depression randomized placebo-controlled ayahuasca healing depression

Depression is a complex condition, that emerges in people under traumatic stress or on the course of a series of traumatic events. This is not a momentary issue that occurs as a response to an isolated incident, but it emerges and evolves over a long period, restructuring the whole being under the paradigm of unhappiness.

When depressed an individual loses trust in his abilities to survive or to function in society, developing social anxiety and panic attacks that lead to isolation and for some, suicide.

Any traumatic event when repeated in your thoughts or prolonged exposure to negative stimuli not only enslaves the mind but in the end, convinces and reformats it to believe that at that ugly thing is its natural state. Ayahuasca capacity to rewrite patterns in your brain makes it a great solution to depression.

This Amazonian brew works by targeting your issues and helping you interact, accept and resolve it. Whatever you are feeling, ayahuasca will refresh you and set you in a healthy route.

To Heal The Mind Is Necessary To Heal The Soul

psychological medicine psychedelic drug ayahuasca improves

The intricate mechanism through which depression creeps inside ones mind and takes control of the whole strategy of life is very mysterious.

Although conventional medicine practitioners have shown a vivid interest in the therapeutic properties of this plant extract, its still going to take more work to cement its reputation as treatment for depressions.

When looking at its interaction with the human body, the standard medical authority tends to overlook what South Americas aborigine people consider essential – the spiritual aspect.

The interdependence of the psychic, emotional and physical dimensions is a simple principle that guides tribal cultures all over the world. In these terms, the condition of the mind will always be reflected in a certain emotional state. So, when you treat one, you will also heal the other.

For example, you can heal your body with your mind or heal your soul to enjoy peace of mind.

The Trance On Ayahuasca Is A Self Conducted Psychotherapy Session

Ayahuasca works for two reasons â (1) chemical reaction and (2) psychotherapy. Ill explain these two in the following sections.

For the first one, the chemistry of the plant supplies the necessary compounds to aid the brain in the process of reprogramming it. This happens inevitably either consciously or unconsciously.

Like other psychoactive substances involved in studies and treatments, ketamine, MDMA, LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca generates introspection and self-analysis, pointing out to the core issues that generate the individual problem.

It puts the light on long-forgotten wounds and on ill-thinking and helps you realize what is good and what is bad for you. But most of all, it gives you the power to break the chain of unhealthy habits of entertaining negative thoughts. Ayahuasca will empower you to take care of yourself.

For the second one, the whole process can be likened to a session with a psychotherapist. However, the experience can be unique or difficult to comprehend for those who are not open to the ayahuasca€™s potential.

Many who participated in the ayahuasca ceremony confessed that they have spoken with the spirit of the plant or animal. Some said that they had a divine encounter, others said that they were taken back to their darkest time. No matter what their experiences were, those gave them answers and guided them for a deeper self-exploration that led them to bliss.

Once your emotional state becomes evident to you, the sickening patterns of loneliness and depression will wither and break apart. You will be introduced to a new state of mind where feeling good is the natural state. Your mind will be reprogrammed and this will affect your mood, attitude, and disposition in life.

However, the internal process isnt over when the trip ends, instead, it is only the beginning. Ayahuasca will only show you the way, you need to persevere to enjoy its long-term benefit.

For people suffering from depression, ayahuasca is a breath of fresh air. It cleanses your mental and emotional state taking you out from the darkness and giving you a brand new start.

Averting The Noise In The Brain And The Loneliness In The Heart

banisteriopsis caapi clinical trials randomized placebo-controlled trial placebo-controlled trial

For people suffering from depression, social anxiety is a predicament that they inevitably have to endure. In most cases it causes the individual to become more and more isolated, cutting all ties around him which further leads to loneliness

One of the essential effects of Ayahuasca is an overwhelming feeling of connection with everything there is, paired with a peaceful state of mind, where trusting and forgiving yourself and others become the natural state.

This way ayahuasca alleviates social anxiety, by ensuring the individual of its own force, of its place and role in the world, by giving him back the lost self-esteem and the power to love himself. By freeing the mind of disturbing patterns, one is free to readdress the world from a different setting and intention.

Ayahuasca ceremony includes purging where one releases the toxins of the body, heart, and mind. After this process, you will get to eliminate the unnecessary noise and sickening thoughts and emotions within you.

The Chemistry Behind Ayahuasca’s Beneficial Effects On Depression

rapid antidepressant effects rapid antidepressant effects hard-to-treat depression

Ayahuasca depression benefits are very popular. The experts are even convinced that these medicinal plants are viable options to treat a variety of mental conditions including addictions, depression and anxiety. Ayahuasca tea is a popular psychedelia tea

The science behind ayahuasca€™s action is simply incredible and it is mind-blowing how tribal people came up with this combo. This jungle brew, cooked on the fire under the bright blue sky, fuses two different chemical compounds that are a perfect match.

The leaves of Psychotria viridis or Diplopterys cabrerana contain DMT while Banisteriopsis caapi contains the MAO inhibitors. DMT, the spirit molecule, is considered by scientists as the prime generator of the psychotropic experience, the introspective trance one enters under the effect of Ayahuasca (although shamans attribute much of it to the other component plant as well).

DMT is a naturally occurring substance in our body or it can also be consumed as a psychedelic drug for ritual purposes. It manifests during meditation, near-death experiences and the likes. When you are in any of the aforementioned state of mind you tend to experience peace and clarity, which depressive person longs for and never reaches.

Under normal conditions, DMT is immediately broken down by our body’s enzymes, MAO (monoamine oxidase). Solely the effect of DMT would last only a few minutes if it weren’t for the MAO inhibitors that prolong and enhance the journey.

The duration of the entire process is significant for the healing effect to take root inside one’s mind, as for depression this is mirroring the great length of time that took for depression to settle. For this reason, the combination of chemical composition that makes up ayahuasca is a more efficient solution than solely the chemically extracted DMT.

What was rather evident in studies concerning the uses and effects of ayahuasca on people affected by depression is an increase in the number of serotonin receptors, continuing after the session is over. This gives the body the possibility to manage its serotonin resources more efficiently without creating an imbalance.

As opposed, antidepressant medications concentrate on over-flooding the brain with an excess of serotonin, which once exhausted leaves it depleted. As a consequence, the body develops resistance. So, one has to take a larger dose or look for a new medication.

Ayahuasca Effects on Depression Studies

You’ve got to check an ayahuasca depression study to ensure the traditional Amazonian plant medicine effects on mental health problems. Extensive research has been done to elucidate the mechanics and the amazing results of Ayahuasca treatment. However, there is such a huge gap between the conventional and the tribal medical education (curanderos have outstanding knowledge of the workings of nature and the human body) that it’s hard to translate the jungle experience into a standard clinical one.

For once, the whole ceremony where the shaman sings and blows tobacco smoke along with other ritual instruments cannot be incorporated in a hospital room. It cannot even be considered relevant from a scientific point of view.

The doctors who conduct this type of trials are themselves, explorers and believers. Such notions are simply incompatible with any reasonable scientific coordinate.

So, to test ayahuasca, they have to secure the climate of the experience under the same conditions as any other clinical trial, which of course is not easy, yet there is hope as more and more programs are being devised to study this medicinal brew on actual patients.

Until now the scientific research that has been done in this domain couldn’t be considered conclusive due to lack of classical empirical instruments, like a control group (placebo group) to confirm the test’s results. Still, observational studies of members of the Ayahuasca religion show that it has been clearly curing their depression, anxiety, and addiction.

Jaime Hallak from the University of Sao Paulo found that one single session of Ayahuasca has long-lasting powerful antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. Professor Draulio Barros de Araujo at the Brain Institute in Brazil has given the plant medicine to a great number of people with depression and with resistance to conventional medication. According to the report, it helped improved their condition up to one week after a single drink.

More studies are needed to support the effectiveness of ayahuasca for depression. However, those who used this were very impressed at how this helped them deal with depression successfully.

Other Sources



Much of this material is provided by tribal church archives