Vine of Enlightenment


Mother Ayahuasca revealing Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Love

Healing and spiritual growth through Ayahuasca

Please continue scrolling below to find more information, as well as the VOE Forum signup (FREE) to create an account. Once your account is created an administrator will grant approval which then gives you access to explore the forum where you will find that most of the questions you may have about the Church and ceremony will be answered. If you find that you can't locate the answer to your question, please feel free to either contact an administrator through the Forum email function OR


You will receive all the benefits of being a member of the Vine of Enlightenment Church (VOE), AFTER you have successfully completed all necessary forms (Membership Form, Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and Hold Harmless Agreement (HH)) and followed steps correctly as outlined within the "Join Here, New Members" topic of the Forum.

We are the FIRST, BLESSED, LEGAL, independent standing branch of Oratory of Mystical Sacraments (OMS)

Located in Northwest Arkansas, our Church ceremony is held the third Saturday of each month

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Click Team and the People on the Navigation bar in the upper left corner of this page. #legalayahuasca

For those that have already joined the VOE Forum, this is the link to take you directly there:

Bringing Spirituality to all who seek It's Truth.

VOE provides a Shaman led ceremony using ancient and modern Knowledge and Wisdom.

Sacred ceremony is held the third Saturday of every Month, typically starting at 5pm and lasting until midnight (times and dates may change due to weather or unforeseen circumstance, please monitor the Forum for the most up to date information). Ceremony is held in Northwest Arkansas with the exact address provided in the Forum 1-2 days before the scheduled date. Information in regards to whether it will be an indoor or outdoor ceremony will provided weeks in advance within the Forum to allow adequate time for your preparation, packing, and planning. In order to participate in ceremony one must be a member in good standing that has completed and submitted the Membership Form, NDA, and HH as outlined in the steps of the "Join Here, New Members" topic within the Forum.

Annual donation to become a member of VOE is $300 which also includes your first ceremony. Any additional ceremony or ceremonies you desire to attend in any month(s) after the first ceremony is a $150 donation. Payment of donation is required to reserve your ceremonial seat within the circle for the month(s) you choose to participate at least 2 (two) weeks prior to your chosen ceremony.

Military and Veteran annual donation for membership in VOE is $300, which also includes the first ceremony. Any additional ceremony or ceremonies one desires to attend in any month(s) after the first ceremony is a $100 donation.. There are many military members that are a part of this family and will be there to support you through anything you may be struggling with if needed or wanted.

We are not your typical Retreat or Vacation destination. You will notice that VOE doesn't charge enormous rates like other Churches holding sacrament ceremonies. We do not need to, nor do we have the desire as our main goal is to provide the path or gateway (love and support if needed) to the healing spirituality and growth you are seeking or may not even be aware that you need.

We do not indoctrinate or push beliefs on anyone (WE ARE NOT A CULT LOL). Simply, we are a group of individuals that were brought together through seeking the awakening and expansion of the Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Love provided to us through the responsible and safe use of sacred, spiritual sacraments to enhance and strengthen our spiritual connectiveness and growth. Our Church hosts a wide range of members from all walks of life to include doctors, military, police officers, homeless, addicts, etc...all of whom often harbor different spiritual beliefs before finding VOE and beginning on this spiritual journey. You found us for a REASON. Our Church family allows for and promotes your "Self Journey" while also providing any and all the love and support needed to help you should it be wanted or needed. OUR CHURCH AND CEREMONIES ARE A NO JUDGEMENT ZONE, We are LEGAL as a CHURCH because these are our TRUE. actively practiced beliefs.

We also maintain the spiritual integrity of our connection and growth during ceremonies to include providing the safest atmosphere possible for all those attending and partaking in this journey. Again, this is a sacred path that has been provided for our use to strengthen our spiritual connection and further our spiritual growth, and our Church ensures it be treated as such. Violence, sexual energy, NOT tolerated and such instances will be dealt with quickly and professionally to ensure the safety of the individual and those around him/her. The ability to "Let go" and "release" is often found to be one of, if not the biggest component to a path of true spiritual healing and enlightenment. We strive to ensure that you are and that you feel as safe as possible for this "letting go" to take place.

Again, please create an account and join the Forum. You will find much more information related to the above and also testimony from members.

So Happy that you found us!

Welcome to the continuous pursuit of healing and Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Love!

-Shaman Jory

We work with a variety of mental difficulties to include; PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Bipolar, etc...with healing and growth through the use of spiritual psychedelic therapy.

Without the use of our sacred, plant sacraments, we do not achieve our greater conscious connection to our "Creator"

-(Our Beloved) DEEM'D SHAMAN

To find out the positive benefits of ayahuasca and our sacred sacraments you must become a member. This is a life changing event and once you join the Forum, please read through and see what others have been shown. JOIN OUR FORUM ABOVE!

10 Years Therapy in One Night.

PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Abuse, Psychotherapy. Addiction, etc...

We work with Veterans, Active Military, School Teachers, Doctors, Nurses and yes even Police officers. The healing of mother Ayahuasca has been proven for thousands of years across the world for all walks of life. Beyond the healing; Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Love.

2nd annual fire ceremony

Orbs, Spirits, Fractal Energy, Souls, Healing energy. These come to me at prayer and ceremony. They manifest and move about. I have many videos from years past with Orbs. I'm a Shaman who really works within the spirit realm. Don't be fooled by fakes and trip sitters. This is real in depth ceremony. Click or copy paste above like for testimony's click or paste link to view code of conduct Click the link to view Ayahuasca

Sacred Sacraments

These sacraments are your sacred right and guaranteed by the US constitution. The Ayahuasca and peyote ceremony is our only way for us to strengthen our spiritual connection to our Creator.

We dedicate ourselves to making the Deem'd Shaman Experience fulfilling and enlightening. Ayahuasca, Yopo, Iboga

Covid -19 compliant

The Shaman

We are a loving couple with strong beliefs. Our goal is to guide others as they find their own way. Leaving them to their own personal and spiritual Journey.

Within our tribal church, may we all find peace within ourselves.

Shaman Gene and Tara

The Four Principle Keys

Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Love

Truth, of the beyond, Everywhere.

Knowledge, of all things.

Wisdom, to use with knowledge.

Love, from the Creator.

Dont forget the upper left navigation tab. Meet the team, Holistic Herbs, Sacrements, Legals and much more. This is a healing center.

We are a branch of Oratory Mystical Sacraments/ OMS

Our sacrament is Ayahuasca, Done in ceremony with a Highly recognized Shaman. Also an Iboga master.

If your interested in being a member and learning and knowing the divine through a higher realm, we have open arms.

Were rated number 14 in the united states.

We do not sell, distribute or cordon any illegal drugs..

Scan The code to be taken to our legal page.
