What Is Distance Reiki Healing & How It Can Heal You

There has been an upsurge in the use of complementary and alternative medicine in the 20th century. Most people have now become more open to these because of their personal and non-invasive nature.

According to Elissa Mullen, a naturopathic practitioner at MDLIVE, many are attracted to alternative healing because it presents them with a choice. Alongside this, most practices are personalized depending on the conditions of the potential patient.

Distance reiki healing is also a type of alternative healing practice that is popular and sought after. It uses the concept of healing through attuning to one's energy.

The best part about this practice is that it can be done even if the patient is not physically present. This is what they call distance reiki healing practice.

Find out how distance reiki healing works and how it can heal you.

Origins of Reiki

Origins of Reiki

Reiki is derived from the Japanese words "rei," meaning universal, and "ki," which is energy. It is a type of energy healing that was founded in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1922.

He was a traditional healer but at some point decided to seek an alternative practice that isn't tied by any religion. He had a spiritual awakening in Mount Kusama, and after that, he established a clinic in Kyoto.

He passed on his reiki study, and Dr. Chujiro Hayashi developed it. Later on, Dr. Hayashi taught Miss Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American, and introduced Reiki to the West.

Reiki Healing Benefits

Healing Benefits To Your Well Being

Distance reiki healing is often used for both physical and emotional ailments. Most of the time, it helps you let go of self-limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns and help you go through past traumas.

Above all else, distance reiki healing aids in the natural healing process of the body. Of course, Reiki is not a substitute for traditional medicine; rather, it complements it and can also be beneficial spiritually.

Other health issues Reiki is known to alleviate are:

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic Pain

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Heart diseases

  • Insomnia

Reiki Healing Works

How Distance Reiki Healing Works

Distance Reiki healing doesn't need the recipient to be with the practitioner physically. This can be done through a live video or phone call; other times, a pre-recorded video can be sent to the recipient after the initial consultation.

The first step, of course, is to set an appointment, and usually, you'll be asked about your concerns and why do you want a distance reiki healing in the first place.

These can be physical ailments or even emotional conditions. Some reiki practitioners also require you to send your birth chart to give a nuanced assessment after the session.

Once you have finished laying out your reasons, the reiki practitioner will then cleanse their space. This is done through smudging with white sage or palo santo, music cleansing with singing bowls, and the likes.

This is an essential aspect so that remnants of negative energies won't be mixed during the session. Alongside this, reiki practitioners require a clutter-free space with no distractions to administer the healing process.

Because it's distance reiki healing, practitioners usually have a proxy. For example, they either have a surrogate doll or visualize you on a bed and place the crystals in a way that responds to your chakras.

They use symbols and visualizations to establish a connection with the recipient. They perform a body scan with a crystal pendulum usually made out of Selenite or Clear Quartz since these clear negative energies and are high-frequency crystals and take note of your chakras.

The practitioner will pick crystals based on the concerns mentioned, body scan, and intuition. They will then start hovering their hands to your "body" and do the session in a series of calming exercises and chants.

After the session, the reiki practitioner will also talk to you about what they picked up on the session, what they think you need to focus on, and aftercare.

These after cares may be complementary solutions to your problems, like incorporating crystal healing meditation every day. It can also just be specific concoctions to drink regularly. Or, it can be practical self-care methods you could do.

While Reiki does not usually require crystals, with distance reiki healing, crystals help in amplifying energies.

Reiki follows the Hermetic Law of Similarity that the Law of Attraction also abides by. It is said that we are all connected because all of us have energies within.

Like attracts like. Energies attract energies.

Distance reiki healing may not be necessarily backed up by scientific studies, but it's undoubtedly an effective one despite its ambiguity.

While reiki practitioners undergo training and vigorous studies, you can also tap into your energy through the power of crystals, which is a tool used in the practice.

You can attract new love, inspire creativity, ground yourself, and even bring abundance into your life just by harnessing the Law of Attraction. Read about how to use crystals to benefit your life.