The Best 35 Law of Attraction Affirmations For Success

Reciting the law of attraction affirmations may seem superficial at first to most people, but once you practice it consistently, you'll be able to see profound changes in small increments. These may be mere words, but by using them with intention, you become more empowered.

And while it may seem like "magic" to most, there is actual science that backs the effectiveness of the law of attraction affirmations!

According to a research study, practicing affirmations helps in decreasing health-deteriorating stress and increases problem-solving skills. You see, once you reinforce these beliefs, your brain will always be rewired to follow this line of thinking, thus creating solutions.

"Every time you speak, you are either building up yourself for the better, or you are limiting yourself for the worse. Words carry power, therefore before you speak out, speak in... and test your words!"

― Israelmore Ayivor

Other than these benefits, by doing so, you'll feel lighter, more determined, and empowered to face the challenges of every day.

Here are the best 25 law of attraction affirmations for success.

  1. "I am, and always will, enough."

  2. "I am a magnet of success."

  3. "I am receptive towards change and new opportunities."

  4. "I can achieve my goals with ease and confidence."

  5. "I am decisive, confident, and action-oriented."

  6. "I am a maker of positive changes."

  7. "I am open to new learnings and growth."

  8. "I'm where I'm supposed to be."

  9. "I am not a failure; everything that has happened to me contributed to my personal growth."

  10. "I am surrounded by abundance."

  11. "My dreams are materializing before my eyes."

  12. "The Universe works for me and not against me."

  13. "I am self-motivated, driven, and effective."

  14. "I am in charge of my life."

  15. "These problems are only temporary, and I can get out of this stronger and wiser."

Law of Attraction Affirmations
  1. "My thoughts create my reality, and I choose to be successful."

  2. "I am destined for greatness."

  3. "My life is filled with abundance and prosperity."

  4. "The vision within me is creating the world around me."

  5. "Wealth and success are existing in my life right now."

  6. "I can reach the heights of success in my career."

  7. "I am competent and reliable in my career."

  8. "I am ready for prosperity to enter my life."

  9. "I am letting go of my self-sabotaging tendencies that only hinder my success."

  10. "I am valuable, and I can make powerful contributions to the world."

  11. "I will always find a way, and a way will always find me."

  12. "Deep at the center of my being, there is an infinite well of love."

  13. "All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good."

  14. "I am living a life of purpose and happiness."

  15. "I am working in the right direction."

  16. I am satisfied, happy, and aligned with my purpose.

  17. "I am satisfied, happy, and aligned with my purpose."

  18. "There is always a way if I am committed."

  19. "Great things always seem to come my way."

  20. "Every day, I move closer to my goals and dreams."

  21. "I am full of boundless positive energy."

  22. "There is nothing I cannot do."

  23. "I have the power to create my life the way I want it."

  24. "I can motivate myself with the snap of my fingers."

  25. "I feel refreshed, excited, and determined to excel today."

  26. "Success comes effortlessly to me."

  27. "I believe deeply that I can achieve anything."

  28. "I am deeply nourished by the energy that flows through the universe."

  29. "I make a difference with my work."

  30. "I handle stressful situations with wisdom."

  31. "I am transforming into a more successful person."

  32. "Every day, my life becomes more successful."

  33. "I radiate energy and uplift everyone around me."

  34. "I breathe in joy; I release stress and tension. I inhale peace, I exhale and let go to my highest good."

  35. "I inhale the highest and best vibrations. I inhale all the joy of life's blessings."

healing crystal for manifest abundance

How To Use Them

Now that you have these law of attraction affirmations, the best way to use them is by reciting them every morning before you start off your day. Alongside this, you can also repeat these words whenever you are facing a difficult task or situation in your work.

By continually reinforcing these affirmations of success, you'll feel grounded, steady, and build momentum so you can succeed in your endeavors no matter how small they may be.

Lastly, you can meditate with crystals that manifest abundance like Citrine, Jade, Aventurine, and Pyrite while repeating these affirmations to amplify the law of attraction further.

Crystals are mediums of pure energy that can align with you depending on your intentions.

Harnessing these affirmations may seem like a trivial thing to do, but its healing effects can bring long-lasting changes to your mood, outlook, and health.

Are you now ready to feel empowered with these affirmations? Head on to our shop and incorporate healing crystals to help you attract success and your other intentions.