How To Activate Crystals For Beginners

Every crystal owner has to know how to activate crystals in order to benefit from their healing properties. There are multiple ways to do this but you have to be careful with each method as not all crystals react favorably to them.

Read on and find out what’s the best way to activate your crystals

Exposing them to moonlight

Exposing them to moonlight

Line up all your crystals overlooking a window where the moonlight can pass through.

This is one of the methods that is nourishing and has no adverse effects on them. You can check on your calendar when the full moon is set to rise so you can schedule your crystal cleaning.

Even if it rains or it’s cloudy on a Full moon night, it doesn't necessarily affect its cleansing power. While direct moonlight would be excellent, the latter is still effective.

Charging them under sunlight

Charging them under sunlight

Another way is by exposing them to sunlight for about 5 minutes and not longer than that.

While this can help crystals like Citrine and Red Jasper that correspond to the Sun's energy, it can also cause other crystals to fade in the long run rapidly, so make sure you research if your current collection can be vulnerable to them.

Smudging them with Sage or Palo Santo

Smudging them with Sage or Palo Santo

Smudging is the act of exposing your crystals to the smoke emitted by Sage or Palo Santo.

You just have to place your crystals in a metal bowl and light your stick and wave the billows of smoke in its direction.

Sage is a healing herb that is great for purification, and Palo Santo is a sacred wood from Peru that has a much subtler scent. Both of them are extremely helpful in purifying not just your crystals but also your space.

Music through Tibetan singing bowls

Music through Tibetan singing bowls

These bowls are made out of bronze or brass and have originated in Tibet. However, there are also frosted singing bowls made out of Quartz that can be useful as well.

Singing bowls like tuning forks or bells are used to cleanse through sound.

When cleansing with singing bowls, you should never put your crystals inside when you strike it. The crystals might get damaged because of the vibration.

Just position your crystals around the singing bowl, and once you strike it, gently keep on circling the stick to continue the sound. You may keep on doing this while projecting your intentions and stop when you feel like it.

Authentic singing bowls have a melodic tune rather than a loud clang, so make sure to test them out first before buying one.

Soaking them in running water

Soaking them in running water

Water is the universal symbol of emotion, and it empowers crystals more, especially when your intentions to use them are for alleviating emotional issues.

Usually, natural running water like the ones in springs or rivers is the best. However, you can still wash them using your faucet instead.

Make sure to submerge them completely for around 1 minute and nothing more. Some crystals shouldn't be cleaned with water, though, especially ones that are under 5 on the Mohs hardness scale.

However, this isn't always correct because some hard crystals with iron ore can still rust in water.

Water is a corrosive element as well as saltwater, and while other websites often recommend this, it can tarnish and dissolve the crystals over time. To guide you, here are some of the crystals that can be considered safe to be cleaned in water:

And as a rule of thumb, any crystal that ends with “ite” should not be cleansed using water as it can be damaged in the long run.

White Light Visualization

White Light Visualization

This is probably the most ideal and hassle-free way for you to cleanse your crystals. Place your crystals near you or cup them in your hands while you're sitting in a comfortable position.

Now visualize a beam of light flow from the top of your head towards your heart and streaming down your arms to your hands.

Continue visualizing this until it envelops your crystals and imagine negative energies in the form of smoke or dirt falling away from your crystal. You direct your energy into them through your intentions.

In order to truly benefit from the healing properties of crystals, you also have to take care of them. The kind of energy you project towards them affects them greatly. If you neglect your crystals, they will also neglect you.

Read about the 9 best ways to use healing crystals as well once you finally mastered activating them!