
The HCS Board of Education wants every parent, student, and employee to feel confident that the district has met all of the safety standards established by the state of NJ for a return to a positive and productive learning environment. Those guidelines from the NJDOE can be found in The Road Back and more specifically in Hopewell's Restart and Recovery Plan.

As we stated in August, our plan was to return to school with a Hybrid Schedule following an AA/BB structure; meaning a portion of our students would be In-Person on Monday and Tuesday and another portion would be In-Person on Thursday and Friday. Wednesday being a virtual day of learning at home. As you know, Cumberland County Schools decided to postpone in person learning until October. This postponement was important to give time to assess the concern over COVID-19 exposure in schools and to mitigate summer travel from quarantined states.

After much deliberation, Hopewell Crest School has looked at examples from surrounding districts, considered the data, and developed a plan that we feel is best for our students, parents, and staff. We have decided to change our approach to our return to In-Person Learning and adopt an Early Dismissal-Every Day Plan. The 100% Virtual option will still be available for families to choose. This website will be the information hub for our Early Dismissal-Every Day plan which includes:

  • Safety Measures that will be implemented with the Early Dismissal - Every Day Plan.

  • A chart outlining schedules for 100% Virtual and the Early Dismissal - Every Day plans.

  • FAQs that relate to the return to In-Person Learning and 100% Virtual Learning.

  • A new survey allowing you to submit your In-Person or 100% Virtual Learning option.

In-Person Learning will begin on October 13th. If you select 100% virtual we ask that you continue with that plan until the end of the first marking period on November 16th.

The Board of Education, administrators, and the staff members of Hopewell Crest School have been making every effort to provide meaningful educational experiences for our students during this 100% Virtual learning time, but we truly understand that there is no substitute for In-Person education.

We urge every parent to carefully review the information contained here so that you can make informed choices regarding the survey questions.