
Our group is engaged in research aimed at converting "low-grade matters" into "high-value products" through nano-scale engineered metal/oxide composites, with a focus on tackling energy and environmental challenges.

Project #1: Plastic waste upcycling catalysis

Plastics are omnipresent in disposable and short-term applications such as food packaging and medical products. However, the serious drawback lies in the substantial volume of waste and pollution linked to plastics. Chemical recycling of plastic introduces a novel approach to repurpose plastic waste, wherein the discarded materials are transformed into valuable chemicals (e.g., lubricant, wax), fuels (e.g., methane, gasoline, diesel), or other materials with increased utility. Here, we aim to develop "cutting-edge" catalyst materials facilitating the effective and selective conversion of polymer materials into the desired chemical products by identifying fundamental reaction mechanisms, and thus to establish scalable processes.

Project #2: Environemntal catalysis

Catalyst technology for exhaust gas purification plays a crucial role in effectively decreasing air pollutants emitted by various sources, including factories and automobiles. In this regard, the catalytic materials are widely employed to eliminate detrimental substances like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and odors, which are originated from diverse processes such as chemical, printing, food, environmental treatment, electrical & electronic processes. In this endeavor, we aim to create advanced catalyst materials that exhibit high performance, as well as thermal and chemical durability, thereby contributing the improvement of air quality, reduction in post-treatment costs, and the prevention of global climate and environmental changes.

Research Projects

In Progress
