Hayfield Orchestras

Get to know Hayfield Orchestras

Meet our students and hear from them why they LOVE being a member of our program!

Support the Hayfield Orchestras! 

Thank you for your incredible support of the Snap! Raise Online Fundraiser! Together we brought home a profit of nearly $25,000 which will help support the spring trips, coaches for the students, guest performances, and all class field trips.

Shop Spirit Wear, become a Booster member, or make a donation:  Orchestra Boosters SquareUp site

Planting Bulbs? Purchase them from our fundraiser!
BloominBucks.com (and choose Hayfield Orchestra Boosters in the drop down menu...we receive 25% of every purchase).

Hayfield Orchestra Boosters

The Hayfield Orchestra Boosters is an organization dedicated to helping the orchestra program by providing assistance and support to the directors, running fundraisers, helping with trip preparations and chaperoning, and aiding the orchestra program in other efforts as needed.

Find out more...

Keep in touch

Facebook/Instagram: @hayfieldorchestras 

Email: hayfieldorchestras@gmail.com

Hawks SOAR with music on their wings!