About Me

Who am i?

I'm a senior at Lawrence High School in Lawrence, Kansas, where I study and improve my videographer skills. Currently, I am the video editor and chief for my high school's online newspaper, The Budget, and one of the top filmmakers for my high school's production studio, Room 308 Productions.

I've won several contests and awards for my film skills which I hope to continue to improve when I head off to college next year, with my sights on the University of Kansas.

Although I only recently realized my passion for video making, I had always been intrigued by it for as long as I can remember. High school was where this passion of mine started to take shape. After enrolling in video classes, I became more enthralled in film. The filmmaking process was like a puzzle with a million different answers, yet none quite the same. Where each video, effect, and scene played a different role in the masterpiece I was crafting. A mixture of writing, photography, and more made it the ultimate challenge to accomplish. And by the time I started my senior year, I had finally started to hone my craft and become a master of film at the high school level. As I won awards and received recognition, I realized that I may have found my passion in life.