Hawthorne Hills Homeowners Association - bloomington IL
2025 Board of Directors meeting schedule and officers have been updated.
The approved areas for fishing on the Hawthorne Hills lake are from the park beach and dock, the Airport Road levee, and the common area on the south dam running along General Electric Road. Everywhere else along the lake is private property where only the resident and their guests can fish. Non-Hawthorne Hills residents must have an adult resident with them in order to use our common areas. Several of our neighbors have had issues with uninvited individuals fishing from their property and we would appreciate everyone's help in addressing this.
Per the city of Bloomington, garbage and recycling containers may be placed out for collection at the curb, but NOT in the street, no earlier than 2:00 p.m. on the day prior to scheduled collection, and no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of the collection. Empty containers must be removed from the curb no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day following collection. While the city requires garbage carts and recycling bins to be stored your garage, backyard or a location not visible from the street, we would encourage neighbors to use their garage whenever possible.
All fences and additions require review by the board.
Hawthorne Hills Homeowners Association Board Notes
The playground repair/update is complete. Be sure to stop by the park and take a look - it is a big improvement!
We will be discussing possible restrictions on short team renting/leasing (e.g. Airbnb, VRBO, Bed and Breakfast) at our annual meeting on November 6. The board is very interested in hearing from members and please attend if you have opinions to share regarding short term renting/leasing in Hawthorne Hills.
Two of our park benches have been relocated to the garden area in the park.
Repairs and improvements to the playground at the park are in progress.
Please do not feed the geese that roam our neighborhood. This actually creates several issues. This article explains them well,
Sadly, there are a number of dead trees in our neighborhood. We would greatly appreciate it if these were removed it a timely manner. If you need a recommendation for a local tree service, you can email us hawthornehills@gmail.com and we would be happy to share who we have used in the past.
REMINDER: Our annual picnic is scheduled for August 11 from 4pm to 7pm at the park (rain date August 12). There will be an inflatable, face painting, food, and more! Please bring your own chairs and beverages.
REMINDER: Our tennis courts are for tennis ONLY.
Work is planned to make repairs and improvements to the playground in the park. We are targeting to complete this before the end of the year.
Getting bids the clean up some dead trees on the south dam.
Lake will be threated June 27 (tentative).
Completing several repairs to the pump house on the south dam.
Repainting the dock at the lake has been planned.
Progress is being made to re-stain the dock at the lake.
All entry structures will be renovated before the end of the year.
Reminder - access to the lake is available from the park and south dam only.
Board Meetings and Important Dates
2025 Calendar
January 15 - hosted by Kelly Thul
February 18 - tbd
March 3 - Annual Dues due
March 18 - tbd
April 22 – hosted by Audra Rushforth
May 20 - hosted Paula Naour
June 17 – hosted by Jill Smith
July 22 – hosted by Colleen Curran
August 17 (tentative) - Annual Picnic/Event, 4pm-7pm (August 18 rain date)
September 9 – hosted by Gregg Mecherle
October 21 – hosted by Art Eiff
November Annual Meeting - date tbd
December - no meeting
Meetings at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted. Members are welcome to attend. Minutes available by request.
Hawthorne Hills Homeowners Association Board Members
Kelly Thul - President
Colleen Curran - Vice President
Paula Nauor - Treasurer
Gregg Mecherle - Secretary
Art Eiff - Infrastructure/Neighborhood Watch
Jill Smith - Lake
Eitan Weltman - Member at large
Audra Rushforth - Member at large
Sara Mayer - Member at large
Questions? Concerns? Please contact a Board member or e-mail us at hawthornehills@gmail.com
Our postal address is:
Hawthorne Hills Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 202
Bloomington, Illinois 61702- 0202