Broken Devices

Did your device break?

Due to state quarantine, we are not replacing broken devices. If your device does not have physical damage, please try the support ticket approach first. In this time we have to work the best we can with what we have. You should still fill out an insurance claim form for any break that occurs.

See the questions and answers below to see what you should do if your device is broken.

Does your device have physical damage?

The screen is shattered, cracked, or casing is bent. If this does not impact your work at the moment or ability to use the iPad effectively, keep using it and fill out an insurance claim.

If the screen is not shattered and you are having another issue, fill out a support ticket so we can troubleshoot the problem. In the mean time, you can use a different device.

Does the damage make it impossible to complete your work?

If the answer is yes, stop using the device. Put it some place safe until we return to school or until iPad collection. Fill out the insurance claim so we can document the break.

Do you have another device to work on?

You can complete most of your work on any device. If you have a PC, a cell phone, another tablet, make use of them during this time. Additionally, see the videos below on how to use your Xbox or PS4 to access your Internet.

Do you have a sibling with a device?

You can share with your sibling if no other options are available. The important thing is to communicate with your teachers so they can accommodate you and assist you the best they can.

Use ps4 as web browser

use xbox one as web browser and access google classroom

Obviously you will not enter the code to join the class as you are already in your classes