Player Development Programs
JUNIORS – Group Player Development Academy
Carlton Oaks Golf Course is proud to announce one of the nation’s leading NEW Junior Golfer Development Programs for BEGINNERS and Junior Golfers COMPETING in (or preparing to compete in) matches/tournaments.
Consistent weekly 75-minute sessions allow your junior golfer to practice efficiently and effectively under the expert supervision of golf instructor – Jim Hassey.
All aspects of the game will be covered in the 12 weekly (75 minute) sessions, with only 4 Junior Golfers per class/program, under the direct and close supervision of Golf Instructor – Jim Hassey.
Each Junior golfer will train with the same group for the 12-week cycle which allows them to develop a sense of camaraderie and keep each other accountable and on-track.
Our innovative, research-based, proven program, consistently gives Junior golfers the CORRECT technique in all aspects of the Junior golfer’s game including:
- Full-Swing,
- Putting,
- Chipping,
- Pitch-shots,
- Sand-Shots
- Course-Management,
- Practice Plan
Each Junior golfer receives:
- A special Program HAT,
- Each student has the opportunity to earn 4 Achievement PINS (for the hat) for
BEGINNER program - $575
COMPETITOR program - $630
Coming 12-week Programs
12 Mondays 3:34p – 5p 4/7__4/14__4/21__4/28__5/5__5/12__5/19__5/26__6/2__6/9__6/16__6/23
12 Tuesdays 3:45p – 5p 4/8__4/15__4/22__4/29__5/6__5/13__5/20__5/27__6/3__6/10__6/17__6/24
12 Wednesdays 3:45 – 5p 4/9__4/16__4/23__4/30__5/7__5/14__5/21__5/28__6/4__6/11__6/18__6/25
12 Thursdays 3:45 – 5p 4/10__4/17__4/24__5/1__5/8__5/15__5/22__5/29__6/5__6/12__6/19__6/26
Send and Email to Jim Hassey to inquire about including your Junior golfer in the next program
You must Include:
1) Age and Name of your junior golfer
2) Are you interested in including your child in the BEGINNER or COMPETITIVE program
3) Your contact EMAIL and CELL-PHONE number
Call/Text Mr. Hassey at (619) 369-7777
or Email to: HasseyGolf@gmail.com