Your New & Improved
Golf Game
is Just a Lesson Away
JUNIORS – Private Lessons
Juniors learning the wrong golf-swing technique can be devastating and embarrassing. Conversely, Juniors learning the correct golf technique early is priceless.
When the Junior golfer’s INCORRECT golf-swing technique falls apart under pressure of competition in front of friends, family, and other Junior golfers, it can destroy the junior golfer’s attraction to golf and lead to other negative collateral consequences.
However, when Junior golfers learn the CORRECT technique early, the junior golfer experiences the joy of hitting more good shots, the game becomes more enjoyable, and the Junior golfer is attracted to the game. Additionally, the collateral positive benefits of playing golf well at a young age is extensive. The junior golfer gains more self-confidence; obtains a higher self-esteem and attracts friends and opportunities throughout life easier.
As a former junior child-prodigy golfer himself (originally from Arizona), it is one of Golf Instructor - Jim Hassey’s major passions, to teach Junior golfers the correct technique, to help them play well, enjoy the game, and learn how to be responsible young people.
Golf Instructor - Jim Hassey ’s research-based training approach combines three critical areas: correct swing mechanics; efficient and productive game-plan moving forward including practice and drills, and successful application of the correct golf-swing technique under pressure of play.
Click HERE to book a lesson for your Junior golfer with Golf-Instructor – Jim Hassey
JUNIORS – Group Player Development Academy
Carlton Oaks Golf Course is proud to announce one of the nation’s leading NEW Junior Golfer Development Programs for BEGINNERS and Junior Golfers COMPETING in (or preparing to compete in) matches/tournaments.
Consistent weekly 75-minute sessions allow your junior golfer to practice efficiently and effectively under the expert supervision of golf instructor – Jim Hassey.
All aspects of the game will be covered in the 12 weekly (75 minute) sessions, with only 4 Junior Golfers per class/program, under the direct and close supervision of Golf Instructor – Jim Hassey.
Each Junior golfer will train with the same group for the 12-week cycle which allows them to develop a sense of camaraderie and keep each other accountable and on-track.
Our innovative, research-based, proven program, consistently gives Junior golfers the CORRECT technique in all aspects of the Junior golfer’s game including:
- Full-Swing,
- Putting,
- Chipping,
- Pitch-shots,
- Sand-Shots
- Course-Management,
- Practice Plan
Each Junior golfer receives:
- A special Program HAT,
- Each student has the opportunity to earn 4 Achievement PINS (for the hat) for
BEGINNER program - $490
COMPETITOR program - $560
2025 12-week Programs
Coming 12-week Programs
Mondays 3:45p–5p 5/5 ● 5/12 ● 5/19 ● 5/26 ● 6/2 ● 6/9 ● 6/16 ● 6/23 ● 6/30 ● 7/7 ● 7/14 ● 7/21
Tuesdays 3:45p–5p 5/6 ● 5/13 ● 5/20 ● 5/27 ● 6/3 ● 6/10 ● 6/17 ● 6/24 ● 7/1 ● 7/8 ● 7/15 ● 7/22
Wednesdays 3:45 – 5p 5/4 ● 5/11 ● 5/18 ● 5/25 ● 6/2 ● 6/9 ● 6/16 ● 6/23 ● 6/30 ● 7/6 ● 7/13 ● 7/20
Thursdays 3:45 – 5p 5/1 ● 5/8 ● 5/15 ● 5/22 ● 5/29 ● 6/5 ● 6/12 ● 6/19 ● 6/26 ● 7/3 ● 7/10 ● 7/17
Send and Email to Jim Hassey to inquire about including your Junior golfer in the next program
You must Include:
1) Age and Name of your junior golfer
2) Are you interested in including your child in the BEGINNER or COMPETITIVE program
3) Your contact EMAIL and CELL-PHONE number
Call/Text Mr. Hassey at (619) 369-7777
or Email to:
ABOUT Golf Instructor – Jim Hassey
Former Top Tier Player Becomes One of the Best Golf Instructors in the Industry
Mr. Hassey’s superior knowledge of all areas of the game (the Full-swing; Putting; the Short-game; Course management, and what it takes to Compete at the game’s elite levels), began being forged during his prodigious junior golfer career that started when he was 6 years old (winning his flight in the Dallas Times Herald Junior Tournament) and winning practically every junior tournament offered in his home town.
Jim Hassey continued to absorb copious amounts of golf knowledge during his work with some of the best instructors in the world (including the world-famous Ben Doyle – master-instructor of the Golfing Machine) which led to young Hassey being recruited by multiple high-schools, and helped him take the #1 position on his high-school golf-team... even as a Freshman. Eventually leading his high-school to win their Arizona State Championship.
Jim continued to gain priceless experience during the years he competed on the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) junior tour, and his years competing in The Junior World, followed by his time playing on a full-ride golf-scholarship at the University of Arizona, and his professional career (unfortunately cut short by wrist and back injuries suffered when Mr. Hassey was rear-ended by a commercial vehicle).
Golf Instructor - Jim Hassey has been recognized as a leader in the industry in his ability to immediately identify, diagnose, and fix swing flaws.
Mr. Hassey's vast and intimate knowledge of the golf-swing along with his decades of experience, combined with the video technology he uses and his ability to communicate with his students, provides him an arsenal of approaches and drills necessary to get fast and effective improvement with every golfer he works with.
Click HERE to book your lesson with Golf-Instructor – Jim HasseyFAQs
Q: Can I take a lesson with another person? Can I include my friend/wife/husband/etc. in my lesson?
A: The short answer is NO. I understand the motivation might be to include multiple people in a lesson and spread the cost out with multiple people. The problems are not only Safety since I'd be moving in-between multiple golfers that might accidentally be making a golf-swing, but another concern is you getting your money's worth in terms of actual improvement. With each person, there is easily 50 or more things to keep a close eye on with each swing to make sure the golfer has the correct set-up... the correct takeaway, the correct transition from backswing to downswing, etc. Trying to keep an eye on all of these with just ONE golfer is difficult. Trying to keep an eye on all of these with 2 golfers is even more difficult. And almost always, one of the golfers in the group comes away disappointed that they didn't get enough personal 1-on-1 attention.
Since the goal is to get the most improvement from every golfer I work with, during the lesson, my rule is to only have ONE golfer take a lesson at a time. But if you're exceptionally motivated to share your golf lesson, contact me and we'll design a multi-person lesson. But know that, although the cost for the lesson might not necessarily increase the full amount per person, the rate will go up to a fair amount. Call, Text, or Email Golf-Instructor Jim Hassey with your inquiry. Text: (619) 369-7777
Q: Do I need my own GOLF-CLUBS to take lessons?
A: The short answer is YES, you need to have (or will eventually need to have) your own golf-clubs.
However, if you are of average height (Men – around 5’9” / Women – around 5’3”) and are Right-handed, we have golf-clubs you can borrow and use for your FIRST lesson. The reason is, you’ll need to have your own clubs to do the DRILLS you’ll be assigned after your lesson, to help ingrain the correct golf-swing technique and improve your swing as soon as possible.
Q: Are private lessons worth it?
A: It depends. Not only does it depend on WHO you take lessons from, but it also depends if you’re going to perform the DRILLS to ingrain the correct golf-swing technique. To find the best instructor, check on the REVIEWS the instructor has from previous golf-students. Also, if you’re serious about getting better and finding the best golf instructor, INTERVIEW the instructor. Ask the instructor if you can meet for 10 or 15 minutes and talk about her/his teaching style, what teaching philosophy and swing method approach does s/he apply with his/her golfing students.
Q: Should I choose a golf-instructor that is a teaching member of the PGA?
A: The short answer is, NOT REALLY. It does not matter whether the golf-instructor you choose is, or is not, a teaching member of the PGA. To become a non-Tour player, teaching member of the PGA, the person must pass multiple tests, most of them have to do with topics such as Managing or Marketing golf-courses; managing/marketing golf pro-shops; managing a fleet of golf-carts, golf-club re-gripping and repair etc. A very small section of the course curriculum is focused on INSTRUCTION.
Q: How much should I expect to pay for golf-lessons?
A: Very good instructors across the country can charge all the way up to $2,500. There are some instructors in San Diego that charge very little. Some as low as $40 or $50. However, just like many other things, you get what you pay for. Golf-instructors that are very good at what they do and are in high demand, can (and should) charge more for the lessons they give. An important questions is, how much is it worth to you, to get good at golf, as quickly as possible? As long as you choose the correct golf-instructor, you work well with him, and you improve quickly, making an investment in getting better at golf, makes sense.
Q: How many lessons does it take to get good at golf?
A: It depends. It depends on the instructor you choose; how coordinated the golfer is; how long have you been playing before you start taking lessons; how often you perform the drills assigned to you; do you have somewhat current equipment, and how often you practice? Assuming you’ve never played golf before, you choose the correct instructor and perform the drills and practice assigned to you, 10 to 12 golf-lessons should cover just about every aspect of the game and give you all the tools you need. With respect to “getting good”, that depends on how often you practice your drills at home in order to ingrain the correct technique.
Q: Are custom fitted golf-clubs worth it?
A: Unless you’re uniquely tall or short, NO. If you’re an average height man/woman, golf-clubs ‘off-the-rack’ should be fine for you. Additionally, if/when you buy PING golf-clubs, you get custom fitted for FREE. However, even after getting ‘custom’ fitted, likely clubs off the rack will suffice. That being said, if you’re a male golfer taller than 6’ or shorter than 5’7” or a female taller than 5’7” or shorter than 5’2” it may be worth it to get ‘custom’ fitted.
Click HERE to book your lesson with Golf-Instructor – Jim Hassey
Call/Text: (619) 369-7777
Teaching locations
North/East location
Carlton Oaks Golf Course – Santee, CA
9200 Inwood Dr.
Santee, CA 92071
South San Diego location
JR Southbay Golf Practice Facility – Bonita, CA
3631 Bonita Rd.
Bonita, CA 91902