
All publications accessible from Google Scholar here  & ResearchGate here

Current/Active research work


Ph.D. research was supported by the Green Radio Core 5 Research Program of the prestigious Virtual Centre of Excellence in Mobile & Personal Communications (MobileVCE) It  investigates the energy consumption and the energy efficiency of the wireless access networks with the aim for a 100 fold reduction of the energy consumption in order to address the challenges of the exponential traffic growth, raising fuel cost and the increasing carbon footprint (CO2 emissions). 

Research Interest & Outcomes

I have always been fascinated by radio air interface and ability to carry bits into Hz and how these can be multiplexed, compresses, made resilient and transmitted across multiple hops towards the destination. Being an inside of how these things work, I consider myself lucky and would like to learn & research more. Hence, I looked at evolution of such amazing RAN and how they can be made hetrogenous and studied at the system level such that optimization and design for evolution can be instrumented into the technical design, through standarization and productisation.

Mobile networks ecosystems are true example of successful management of complexity, supply chain and partnerships and innovation. Hence it is an exciting professional research journey I cherish and excited for more to come :).

Current Interests:

Presentations, Talks & Courses Delivered

Research Proposals