
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Training and Courses

  • Open to develop, deliver and prepare courses in networking ( Juniper), AI( techniques and state of art research), multimedia communciationas( HLS, video delivery over 4G and 5G, video/audio codecs), wireless networking( mobile service providers) and emerging technologies( Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud technologies( focus on Amazon AWS, Google GCP and Azure)).

Topics/Support offered

Feel free to contact me for consulconsultancy, direction and any informal chat on cloud technology, mobile servie provider architecture and solution design. Please use .eee email above. Look forward to help as much as I can.


  • Currently busy creating , a platform that offers innovative development-centric technology solutions to organizsations in Sudan and the UK.

  • Raise awareness about the importance of the ICT sector in Sudan's economy spoke at conferences with Sudan theme and publishd a journal paper and ICT vision position here.

  • Was Part of the Sudanese Shadow Government movement that aims to promote objective and progressive politics in Sudan during the ruling of Omer Hassan Albashir( now removed from power). The movement is now a political party called Bina Sudan Party .

  • Lead the Badeen Heritage project in collaboration with Hayat Mohammed to raise awareness about history and archaelogical richness of Badeen Island in North Sudan. Activites included a lecture, cultural exhibition and funding from the British Musem via a research project delivered by Dr Hayat Mohammed in Sudan.

Living Abroad

Currently living in the UK, work and studied here. Worked in 3 UK nations, England, Scotland and Wales. Travelled to far east: China, Japan and Brazil. Enjoy tourism travel and new cultures.

Professional Contributions

Writing papers and filing patents and believe in meanigful knolwedge dissemination!

Enjoy contributing to telecommunciations research, recently read about policy, change and people-technology aspects and developed interest in policy and ICT for development & Engineering for Change- keen to pro bono work in these areas. If you have a need, please don't hesitate to contact me. I can help on writing, research and other project planning and marketing.

Public Speaking

Spoke inernatinally in UK, Africa, East Asia and Europe and continue to enjoy engagements and sharing ideas at various settings. Again I do this voluntarily, so buzz me.