
The Dojo MUST be a SAFE place to learn and practice, regardless of race, language, religion or gender

Aikikai Hombu Dojo Code of Conduct - Main Principles

1. When entering the dojo training area, all students and instructors should bow, even if the dojo is not your own. This will show your respect for all dojo.

2. Instructors and Students should wear the correct uniform for the particular class in session. It should be clean and well mended.

3. Instructors and Students should never enter the dojo dirty or poorly groomed. Fingernails and toenails should be kept neatly trimmed so as not to scratch or cut other students in class.

4. No one should not wear jewelry or sharp objects during training.

5. No one should not chew gum or bring snacks into the training area.

6. Idle talk and chatter is for outside the dojo. Everyone should stay focused on training. 

7. The privacy, respect and safety of students is paramount. Harassment and unwanted attention that causes distress to students will not be tolerated; once reported, Haru Yama reserves the right to expel students.

8. Students should refrain from speaking when the instructor is talking. Don't interrupt the instructor or each other. 

9. Students should always be polite and courteous to each other and to the instructor. Never insult one another, a teacher or any guest. Treat all guests with respect.

10. Lower ranked students should always defer to seniors. Senior ranked students should always strive to set a good example for lower ranks.

11. No student should ever under any circumstance become involved in a fight in the dojo.

12. It is always wrong to use martial skills for any reason other than for self defence and the defence of others. Bullying is one of the worst crimes a martial artist can commit.

13. Students should respect not just your property but the property of others. They should also respect dojo property and not mishandle or abuse it. Do  not throw weapons on the floor during training.

14. Clowning around in the dojo is both foolish and dangerous. Show restraint and self control; this will always speak well of you.

15. “Kiotsuke!” (come to attention command) is called by the Senpai or the Sensei. This is the signal for all students to line up and sit in seiza.

16. “Mokuso” (Meditation) is called by the Senpai or Sensei. This is the signal to still your mind and practice kokyu.

17. Effort should be made to be on time for class. If you are unavoidably late, you should enter as quietly as possible and sit in seiza by the door until the Sensei instructs you to come onto the floor. Should there be a need to step off the mat, please raise your hand to inform the Instructor unless there is an emergency.

18. You should always refer to the Instructor as Sensei while on the mat. Never call him or her by their first name when on the mat.

19. The proper way to sit in class is Seiza. A crossed leg position is acceptable if seiza is impossible. In any case, an attentive posture should be maintained. Slouching, slumping or leaning is not conducive to the practice of balance and centering. Never sit with legs outstretched.

20. After an instructor demonstrates a technique, students should bow and begin practice. When the instructor calls “Yamae!” (Stop!) students should immediately stop training.

21. For reasons of safety, respect and courtesy, it is essential that the Sensei's instructions be followed. Many martial arts techniques can be dangerous if not practiced properly. Emphasis should be placed on learning as much as possible through intent observation and concentrated practice.

22. If the instructor helps you with a technique, always step back, bow, and say "Domo Arigato Gozaimashita". Always thank your training partners or anyone else who may assist you.