
Cell: The molecular fingerprint of life 

A scientist is an investigator. Unlike crime scene investigators who examine the crime scene for fingerprints, a scientist seeks evidence inside a cell. Thus, I imagined a cell inside a fingerprint.

It takes two

The journey of evolutionary fusion. It only takes two. Two organisms to fuse, two major organelles to form, and twice in the face of evolution for multicellular advanced life to emerge. It must have been so celestial. 

Vanishing worlds

Earth is experiencing extreme weather conditions reminding us of the escalating climate crisis. These shifts not only disrupt the lives of countless people but also disrupt ecosystems, having a vanishing effect and leading to biodiversity loss.

Art of self love

A gentle reminder to love oneself first. and how much we need to communicate with our bodies and minds. listen to those whispers.

India National science day

Did a collaborative work with PurpleBlue House® for the National Science Day on this year's theme of "Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat", and Nothing more fitting than showcasing ISRO's 2023 efforts.

Towards infinity

The Cryo broken cell

Time the fabric 

Brain lobes