
In today's age of internet, projects are in complete if they are not connected to the internet or if they don't have a trace of silicon in them. To keep up with this expectation, I taught myself various types of programming.

I am through with the Arduino's modified C language and Python. I have completed a five course specialization on Coursera named python for everybody. The course certificate can be viewed by clicking here

Apart from these, I have also mastered the use of ThingsSpeak platform for data acquisition . I also learnt to use Google Sheets API as they are free.

I also did a 5 day Programable Logic Circuit training program at Siemens Kalwa works, Mumbai. This training taught me the industrial equivalent of the Arduino and Python. The certificate for the same can be viewed by clicking here

I have attached some of my Arduino projects in this web page. The code for all of them was compiled by me and is available on instructables.


Tachometer is a standard equipment to measure the rpm of any rotating disc or shaft. This project turned out to be great success. It is very compact and accurate and can easily compete commercial alternatives. Like stroboscope, it is also designed to run on micro USB.

Care was taken to make its shaft as friction free as possible. This was accomplished by making sure all sliding contacts were metal

click here for instructables link and click here for YouTube link


This was created with arduino nano as the controller.

Its internal timer was used to create precise flashing frequency. The light used was extracted from a commercial light which run on 32V. Two potentiometers (fine and coarse) are inputs to control the flash frequency.

A OLED display showed the frequency of the flash. The system is designed to run on 5V DC from any micro USB port which means it can also run on a standard power bank.

DIY Compass

This project was used my utilizing the same hardware as the one used on the Inclinometer which is mentioned above.

The magnetometer of the MPU9250 was used to determine the direction.

The code and the detailed procedure for making this is on my instructables page which can be accessed by clicking here or on my YouTube page which can be viewed by clicking here.

DIY inclinometer

I made this project with MPU9250 board which has an accelerometer, gyroscope and a magnetometer along with a temperature sensor.

I have made dedicated articles on this project on instructables and on YouTube. The code is attached on the instructables article.

Click here for the instructables link and here for the YouTube link

Excel VBA for identifying a self interesting polygon

Developed the algorithm and the code which identifies if the given sets of points form a polygon which is self interesting. The code is also capable of finding out the sets of lines which are interesting.