Peek Inside

Harmony's House

This is a place where we...

Experience nature first-hand everyday.

Build with blocks.

Explore careers via role-play.

Take advantage of naturally occuring pre-literacy opportunities.

Take field trips into the community to learn more about people and places.

Work in small groups of peers ages 3 through 5.

Do science experiments.

Explore math concepts through play.

Make art, our own way.

The Program Details

WHERE: Madison Heights, VA near the Walmart on 29 Business

WHEN: Tuesday and Thursday mornings <or> Wednesday and Friday mornings

TIME: 9:30am-12:30pm.

TUITION: $40 per week


(Both steps must be completed to enroll your child, but may be done in any order.)

  1. Email Ms. Harmony to set up an interview and see the preschool at

  2. Download these forms: Registration, Parent Questionnaire, Photo Release, and Terms & Conditions. Bring the completed forms with you to the interview or attach them to the email.

Positions will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. After submitting signed forms and meeting Ms. Harmony, your child's position will be confirmed and reserved. If all of the spots become filled, your child will be placed on a waiting list, and that will be communicated to the family.

Questions? Let's chat!